View Full Version : School Sports day

19-07-05, 09:59
It's my daughters Sports day today and I am dreading it. I feel really bad, feeling anxious and panicky and to top it all my Crohn's has decided to flare up again. It makes me feel so weak and tired. I don't know where the energy comes from to make me panic.
It would be easy for me to say I'm not going but I know that would not help, it's just running away. Do other people with kids feel this way when different school activities are happening?
I look around and everyone else seems normal, I feel like I really stand out from the crowd. I keep telling myself that today is a bad day tommorrow will be better but it's just not working.
Sorry guys, I just needed to get this out of my system.


19-07-05, 10:11
hi Claire,

No one will be looking at you and you won't stand out. Those thoughts are all just in your head and it's just the anxiety talking. Do you know any other mothers that you could talk to to make you feel more comfortable? Let us know how you get on..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

19-07-05, 10:11
sorry to hear you dont feel to good today
i have a child myself she starts school september so i have yet to encounter sports days etc
im sure once you are there you will feel better and you may even enjoy yourself- perhaps if you take a close fiend with you it might give you more confidence. hope it goes well x


19-07-05, 10:26
Hubby hasn't got to go to work until 2pm so I have dragged him along.
Feel better now that he is going.

19-07-05, 10:46
I hope he's pleased to be going to watch his kids too.

Noone will be watching you at all. They'll have their eyes fully on their own little darlings.

Today may be a difficult day but it doesn't have to be all bad.. you may enjoy it . Take care of yourself with the Crohns

Hope all goes well.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

19-07-05, 11:35

my kids sports day was on friday just gone , i was dreading it but ended up enjoying it, I sat down on the grass which made me feel better with this hot weather thought i can lay down if feeling ill and it will look like im sun bathing lol, I always have a little plan up my sleeve.

You will be fine ,have fun!


19-07-05, 14:30
Hello Claire

Boy do I know how you feel, when I was bad I hated even teh school run let alone having to cope with the events!!!!

I found three breakthroughs, one I spoke to the headmistress when I was really acute and she was great, I even sat on the nearest chair to the door for one school assembly which she discretly reserved for me.

The other breakthrough was to tell everyone what had happened and how I was feeling, any old parent that I happened to strike up a converrsation with. They were all then really supportive, would keep an eye out for me, check I was Ok etc etc.

Lastly accep and distact, worst way scenario - I would have a panic attack, big deal it would reach a peak and eb - as they always do and distract, as soon as I start to feel uncomfortable I distract myself with any old mind game.

I really hope that you are there now having a lovely time...take care.

19-07-05, 14:38
Hi Claire

Yep totally identify with this one.

Always took my rescue remedy with me and arranged to be sat on the fringe of things.

Everything Angie said in her post goes ditto for me.

Really finding recently if I let the panic wash over me and move on its way it passes in seconds. Sometimes I feel I waste alot of time rushing about trying to avoid a sensation that really is only momentary.

Hope you got on ok.

Love Piglet[8D]

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

19-07-05, 14:48
Hope it goes ok for you Claire.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

19-07-05, 17:11
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all your messages of support and advice. So good to know other people are like me. No matter how many times I tell myself you are not the only one, it just seems to go out of my head when I need it most.

The sports day was at 11.00am. Got there at 11.00am thinking I will just sit at the end, near the exit, just incase, you know all the normal thoughts. Then we were all told to move down and make two rows so we could all be together. This alone made me panic and bought on my first panic attack. I remember looking down at the floor thinking I want to get out of here, I can't breathe, I'm going to pass out, everyone will see.

You only have to look at what I write and even I can see that the irrational thoughts of what could happen was the problem and is always the problem. I did go on to have two more but they were only small ones and I managed to deal with those withing seconds of them coming on, so I must be learning something.

I have problems with the school run as well but am working on this as well. I use to sit in the car until I could hear the school bell go, only then would I get out.

There always comes a point when I think right, thats it, no more, then I become really determined to kick this problem of SA. I started to help out in my daughters class, then decided I would love to be a teaching assistant, enroled at college and I start in September, that's my way of dealing with the right, thats it, no more., do your worst. Today was just a bad day, tomorrow is a new day.

Once again thank you for all your kind messages, drinks are on me :D

Claire xx

19-07-05, 17:45
Well done for going Claire!! It doesn't matter how many panic attacks you had whilst there or how awful you felt - the important thing is that you made the effort and went along :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

19-07-05, 18:00
Good for you Claire and I bet noone was looking at you all afternoon were they ..

School runs are also common triggers
GOING BACKWARDS? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3578)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

19-07-05, 18:47
A big well done to you for doing it and staying even though you got panicky.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"