View Full Version : Rescue remedy etc

17-02-09, 22:49
Hi, sorry if there is already a thread on this, I'm just interested..

Does anyone use it? How does it work? DOES it work?

My boyfriend's brothers fiancee is having a hen night, and i'm going along. It's going to be a 3 course meal, a club, a private kareoke room and then hotel.. I'm so nervous.. I know 3 people who are going, who i usually feel nervous around anyway.. i worry about saying the wrong things. Plus i don't have the confidence to sing or dance. I know i will regret not going, and that i should be brave and take the step, so i accepted.

I get really anxious when i'm away from home, i'm just worried i'm going to have a break out and ruin it for people or something.. esp as i'm sharing a hotel room with someone i'm nervous with anyway.. i wont be able to escape or feel safe.

So i thought perhaps rescue remedy would help me on the night, perhaps?

What do you think?

Sorry if this message sounds completely stupid.


17-02-09, 23:03
Hi hope ur ok I regularly use rescue remedy for just such occassions a meeiting in work or just going to a place where I dont know everyone its a good little helper!!!

Start to take it a couple of days before about four drops four times a day and continue to take during the day off the event. Just takes that edge off and allows you to relax

It will all go perfectly.


18-02-09, 12:36
Thank you!

18-02-09, 14:13
I tried rescue remedy for my anxiety and can honestly say I felt no effect whatsoever which I was disappointed about. Maybe it's because I have quite bad anxiety that's been going on for a long time. If your anxiety isn't too bad then I think maybe it will help you. Either way I don't think you will need it, you'll get caught up in the fab tim you are having and won't even notice your anxiety (exactly what I did at a Take That concert)

18-02-09, 15:24

You should definatly get the spray, its easy to fit in your handbag, and you can take it at a moments notice and nobody will see!
I personally like rescue remedy, its possibly because I had faith in it from the beginning, so for me when I take it I feel better ... doesnt mean the recipie itself works, but I know a lot of people benefit!

For on the night you should take it with you (take it as much as you like) but also concentrate on deep breathing when you feel panicy. Nip to the bathroom or something and take some slow deep breaths and remind yourself that you will be fine.

Above all try not to worry about it before hand, and dont assume you will feel anxious! I'm convinced that half the anxiety we feel is because we expect to feel it!

Let us know how it goes xx

18-02-09, 16:30
I have a lot of faith in rescue rememdy and I keep mine in my handbag. I have stopped and used it in a supermarket when I have felt really anxious.

It would recommend that you try it - it is a herbal remedy so it wont do you any harm

Godd Luck hun xx

18-02-09, 16:39
Don't forget I have offers on in the online shop for all RR products!

18-02-09, 22:38
Thanks for all the tips guys, I'm going to buy some..

GemmaAnn I think you're right, half the anxiety is probably because we expect to feel it, wish my brain would accept that!

18-02-09, 22:48
I use it quite frequently. I think it tastes awful but for me it helps a lot. It just takes the edge of the anxiety and enables me to concentrate on relaxation techniques (breathing mostly!)

Hope you have a good night!!

10-06-09, 19:43
Hi, sorry to drag up old threads which were in the wrong section in the first place. Just wanted to update on the hen night, that I was freaking out about, from the moment I had been invited.

I felt completely awkward alot of the time and felt my anxiety building up. I took a few kalms before we went out, then about 12 drops of rescue remedy during the course of the evening. There was one moment during the meal where I nearly let the panicy feelings take me over.. but somehow I managed to talk myself back down - god knows how! I'd like to think that the RR helped. Now I always have it in my bag, just incase. Even if it is a placebo, i'd rather have a bit of faith in that than let my anxiety take over completley.

Thanks for all your wishes over this time for me, it's nice to know I can talk to people who know what it's like.

Lion King
10-06-09, 19:56
I used rescue remedy and Kalms for a short period, I found immediate relief when using them, but I became dependant on them as I struggled to relax in most situations and my breathing was all out of sync which led to choking sensations. If the anxiety prolongs after this event even with the RR, then learn some relaxation and breathing exercises, the mind can make threats or danger worse the more we feed them, try and keep positive, keep an open relaxed mind and remember to keep breathing throughout the anxious period.

Glad you succeeded on the night, Hope you keep well!

Lion King

17-07-09, 16:52
Rescue Remedy seems to do absolutely nothing for me. I've read that in tests they are indistinguishable from a placebo anyway. I guess if you believe in it though then it'll work for you.

Got some Kalms but yet to try them. Worried about side effects mainly. It doesn't say what effects you get other than some stuff about all medicines having possible side effects. Another thread mentioned stomach upsets though which really puts me off.

17-07-09, 17:06
Everybody reacts differently to things,if you dont try them you wont know.All they did to me was make me go to the loo a lot.Take them after you have eaten something.The day ones arent as strong as the nightime ones the later do help with sleep . x Sue