View Full Version : Stressed.

18-02-09, 01:11
I'm not sure if this is the right place but here goes.

I'm 19 and I'm studying at university.
I would say that up until a few months ago I was a confident, happy go lucky person.
I was always the first person on the dance floor and the first person to volunteer if anything needed doing.
But now it's different. I get nervous all the time. I'm constantly scared that people on the street are thinking bad things about me. I never volunteer answers in lectures or seminars incase people laugh at me. I hardly go out. I sit in my room on my own for hours. If I do go out I'm terrible company...I snap at people, I ignore them and basically treat them like rubbish.
I can't sleep at night, I'm restless and lay awake worrying about not being able to sleep. Then I find it so difficult to get up in the morning and can't concentrate during the day, but by 10 at night I'm bouncing off the walls.
I'm often close to tears, the smallest thing will set me off. This afternoon I burst into tears because I couldn't find my iPod charger.
And then I feel guilty a lot...I'm a generally lucky person, my family are great and so are my friends, I don't have anything to worry or be sad about, but I do anyway. I feel guilty because I feel like this when people worse off than me just get on with it.
I'm sorry to rant on but if I'm honest I'm at the end of my tether and don't know where to turn or what to do :(

19-02-09, 09:33
Thank you everyone :(

19-02-09, 10:07
Hi CJ, :hugs:

Firstly, WELL DONE for studying at university. :yesyes:

I can relate to the feelings you describe:

I get nervous all the time....I'm often close to tears, the smallest thing will set me off....And then I feel guilty a lot....

It can all get so overwhelming & frustrating at times. I find that stress, anxiety & panic can really lower my confidence & self-esteem.

I have been trying to find out as much information as I can about it - both on here & in books. I also keep telling myself not to feel 'guilty'. I have found that both these things have helped.

I hope it helps to know that you're not alone in how you're feeling.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

19-02-09, 11:28
Hey CJ,

Just to echo the point that Patty makes, well done for going to university. One thing that may help is to go to the student services within your university and see a counsellor. Before you think 'oh no, i'm not seeing one of them', let me explain. When I went to uni I went through a similar experience and ended up looking for some kind of support from the university. I came accross the student services and a counsellor who works with students everyday who are struggling with stress, anxiety, depression etc. Every university has these services, so I would advise you to possibly look into it, hope that's of some help :)