View Full Version : Hello Everyone :)

18-02-09, 09:43
Hello all,

My name is Terri, I am 28 in May (eek!) and I am a stay at home mum to my two boys Matthew aged 3 in June and Billy who is 23 weeks old at the moment. I have been happily married for five years in July to Darren who is a butcher and I am currently studying from home to be a self employed book keeper. Hopefully on 1 April, I will start advertising and start working for myself. Please understand, I am not saying this to promote my new business or look for clients or anything, I just wanted to stress how wonderful my life looks on paper, the reality is a totally different matter.

I was 15 years old and sitting my Maths GCSE exam when I had my first panic attack and I have struggled ever since, having good days, ok days, bad ones and awful ones.

Where to start? My main problem is a totally consuming and overwhelming sickness phobia, I get extremely anxious when I am in public, especially when eating out - that is such a huge stress for me. I am also terrified by anything medical - blood tests, needles, dentists, doctors, hospitals etc.

I feel like I am living only half a life at the moment and all my anxieties and fears are stopping me from leading the full and happily life that I want to live with my family. My mum is like me with anxieties and panic attacks, her mum was like it and I REFUSE to allow my boys to be like me. Matthew has started going through a phase of being nervous in public and having bad dreams and now is the time to act. I need to kick this for the sake of my boys and my marriage, my husband is my rock and is always there for me, although at times he does get frustrated and being so confident and easy going himself, he can never understand how I feel and how the things that he does so easily are so hard for me to deal with.

I was up while 2.35am this morning having panice attacks and not being able to breathe so after months of putting it off, I am off to the doctors at 10.30am to take the first steps towards finding a better way to cope as I am struggling big time and I just cannot seem to be able to break the cycles that I put myself in.

Oops, sorry went on WAY to much, anyway thats me. Hopefully I will find the support here that I need and hope that I can support you guys too, I am sure that together we can take the baby steps that we need to to turn our lives around for the better.

Belive it or not, I have typed out something similar to this several times in the last few weeks and then deleted the post, I think that getting this out in the open makes me feel embarrased and vulnerable so please be nice to me :hugs:

Terri X

tanya 1
18-02-09, 10:27
hi terri and welcome to nmp,ive just read your post and it sounds like me, i too have a loving fiance who is my rock but like you said my fiance is confident and can do anything so sometimes its hard for him to understand,and i also have a 3 year old daughter so understand that you want to get better for your kids sake,but to be honest you sound really positive about getting help from your doctor and wanting to get better so well done thats a good step in the right direction.
private message me anytime:)
tanya 1 x:welcome:

18-02-09, 11:56
Hi there and :welcome: to the site. I'm sure you'll find it a great help and hopefully finally able to cope or even overcome the awful panic and anxiety. You'll also make a lot of good friends on here and chat is also good when you are feeling particularly anxious or just need to un wind. Take care xx

18-02-09, 12:37
Thanks Tanya, it feels so good to know that I am not the only person in the world feeling like this. I just get so angry at myself as I feel that my anxiety is affecting the kind of mother that I am and I need to sort myself out. My two little boys are fantastic and they deserve the best mum in the world - I have got to sort myself out.

tanya 1
18-02-09, 16:50
thats exactly how i feel too hun,i get angry at myself and feel guilty,but then when you do something positive then you need to hang on to it,i was so nervous the other day when i had to take my daughter to a kids party i just wanted to leave because i felt really anxious but i stuck through it and managed to relax and stay for the full 2 hours,so im just holding onto that thinking( ok i was nervous and anxious but i did it)
have you seen your doctor ?
it took me a long time to admit i needed extra help,but without it i was just going round in circles,but you know every1 is different some people need medication or counselling to help or somepeople dont
tanya 1 x

18-02-09, 22:16
Hi and :welcome:to NMP
You sound like a strong lady who is ready to fight her demons.

I am pleased that you have found us as there is so much help, support and information. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends.

take care xxx

19-02-09, 07:25
I went to the doctors yesterday, she perscribed anti depressants but I am too scared to take them. She is arranging Cognitive Therapy Behaviour though which I am looking forward to (as well as dreading). I am scared that I am going to find it tough, but looking forward to working towards leading a better quality of life.

19-02-09, 08:35
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

19-02-09, 09:16
Hi Terri, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

19-02-09, 11:41
Hi Terri

Welcome to the site I think you will find lots of support and good advice on here.

Take care


20-02-09, 01:31
Hi Terri,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you feel and you will get support.

Take care,
