View Full Version : Hello there! New member

18-02-09, 13:16
Hiya everyone

Just registered with this website as I've recently started taking Citalopram 10mg for anxiety, depression and OCD (rumination).
I read a lot about Citalopram before starting to take them and was pretty scared of the possible side effects but I'm happy to say that since I took the first one on Sunday, I've felt fine, no side effects at all. I'm not sure whether that might be because I'm only on 10mg though. Anyone else on 10mg?

18-02-09, 13:27

I started on 10 ml and had dreadful side affects for about a week. If you have been taking them since Sunday with out any side affects, thats great news, they seem to affect different people in different ways.

Again, glad they seem to be agreeing with you.


18-02-09, 13:29
Oh dear, I presume you're ok now though and the side effects have gone?
Do you know if it's normal to start off on 10mg and then increase to say 20mg? My GP just said to ring him in 2 weeks to tell him how I'm getting on but he didn't say anything about increasing the dosage. Also, how long did it take for you to notice any change in your mood?

18-02-09, 13:31
Hi there and :welcome: to the site xx

18-02-09, 13:38
My side affects went after about a week thankfully, I was on 10 ml, went onto 20 ml about 3 weeks ago, been to the doctor today, have increased them to 30ml, can feel the increase already, but its ok.

Difficult to say if my mood has changed, some time I feel like I could take on the world, other times I'm rock bottom. I guess I'm looking for a happy medium at the moment. Hoping the increase in doseage plus CBT helps break the Negative thought process thats in charge at the moment.

Every one says it takes about 4 to 6 weeks for the tablets to work, I would agree with this, the latter being more like the truth.

Good luck

18-02-09, 13:44
Thank you. You too.
That's the reason I've ended up on these tablets - negative thoughts which turn into obsessions and end up leaving me really anxious and depressed. I've tried CBT in the past but didn't stick at it long enough but could see how it would work well. It all seems to be a very logical approach and seems so obvious when you think about it but when your thought process is totally illogical, it's mega difficult to actually put into practice a new way of thinking!
My GP advised me to let the Citalopram start working first and then start CBT again once I feel more positive about things in general.

Best of luck to you.:)

18-02-09, 13:46
I assume that you too are a fan of cats?! Thanks for the welcome

18-02-09, 22:17
Hi and :welcome:to NMP
I am pleased that you have found us as there is so much help, support and information. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends.

take care xxx

19-02-09, 08:41
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

19-02-09, 09:19
Hi Catfan, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

19-02-09, 11:38
Hi Catfan

Welcome to the site I think you will find some good advice and support on here.

Take care
