View Full Version : Can someone help with this?

18-02-09, 16:46
Why is it that after recovering from the light headedness/derealization that went on for 2 weeks, then i got IBS/Irritable bladder, that went on for another 2 weeks!! I had a few weeks peace from bodily symptoms and my HA calmed down, now out of the blue i am getting palpitations even though i am NOT that anxious at the moment!! I feel my heart is gonna explode, it has been going on/off now for 2-3 days, doctor says i just have to 'live with it' and its not serious. So here i go again with the anxiety, i'm just scared all those horibble sensations will come back, i hate them!!:weep: :weep:

Hollytree xx

18-02-09, 17:14
Hi hollytree,
Sounds like you have a similar doctor to mine. The 'live with it' quote is virtually what mine says to me. As for ir not being serious, it is if it makes you feel that bad.
I dispair sometimes at some doctors attitude towards anxiety.
The fear of waiting for another attack is horrible. i wish i could offer you some advice, I'm sure others on here know a lot better than me how to cope with it. Just hang on in there, you're not alone with these feelings.

Hope you feel better soon


18-02-09, 17:23
Hi Holly,

It is really hard to find a good doctor who is willing to invest the proper time or care, especially when it comes to anxiety. May try to find an anxiety clinic or doctor who specializes in this area, they are out there. As for your symptoms I don't think it's unusual at all that you seem to be going from one symptom to the next. Usually when we get a symptom it is almost impossible to ignore it so we become hyper aware of it, then after a time we may move on to the next physical sensation or feeling when the initial symptom has subsided. It's all very uncomfortable and can make living life hard! I too have had every symptom under the sun and a few terrible doctors who either said, just pop a xanax even if you don't feel anxious or go eat some red meat. It took me years to find a decent doctor who had some knowledge and was willing to listen. It's important to be pro-active and if you are not comfortable with what they have to say you have every right to respond back. I say keep looking for a better doctor and good luck.

18-02-09, 17:45
Thanks alot guys, i think what worries me the most is that over the years my bodily sensations have changed, i never used to get IBS now i seem to have it most of the time, the light headedness/derealization has happended a few times now, never had that b4, it kinda feels the older i get the worse the sensations are. I also sit and wait for it all to hit me, which of course makes me feel sick and totally crap !!!

Some doctors have been great, very understanding with me, others have been cold and couldn't give a s**t!!! i end up leaving the surgery feeling worse than i went in :(

big sigh!!!!

Vanilla Sky
18-02-09, 18:30
Hi Hollytree, i know wot u mean, im the same going from one new symptom 2 another. Its like ur body gets used 2 the symptom ur having and it gives u another one just 2 remind u uv got anxiety. Iv had every symptom going im getting so used 2 it now im beginning 2 accept it and i think that helps a bit if u know wot i mean ! I certainly dont give new symptoms the attention theyr looking for, i feel for you and they will stop its like i said its ur body almost saying to u i cant cope with this do something!!! We r all here 4 u come on here and have a rant if ur having a hard time of it love 2 u from paige x

18-02-09, 20:06
I think i worry to much!! understatement there! I know that these sensations are harmless, i just sometimes feel that it is something more serious!! My doctor (a good one) did say he was 'looking out for me' and knows exactly what i am going through. I find the days hard going and it gets me down. :weep: