View Full Version : Anxiety, NOT DEPRESSION medication? ?

Piscian Daydreamer
19-07-05, 12:44
I'm thinking of going to the doctors next week just to see what he says. The thing is, i went to him 6 months ago and he said its 'just a teenage stage of stress and you'll get over it',,, but it isn't, ive had this for like 3 whole years.

if i go back next week i am scared he will just say the same thing, when really, i need some sort of help. I was wandering, as i have anxiety, and NOT DEPRESSION, is it possible to be prescribed any medication? If so, what will i get? Tablets? I take it because i have anxiety i won't get antio depressants will i?



19-07-05, 13:26
hi there i think you should go if you are still suffering but maybe if you can try and see a different doctor at the practice as some arent as good as others with anxiety,i think they must specialise in certain areas or something. i dont know what sort of tablets you may be prescribed but i have always been prescribed anti depressants not because i am depressed but i think the medication must walk on the same sort of principle. one doctor once said to me dont think that taking tablets is a bad thing just think if you was asthmatic or diabetic you have to take meds for that just think along the same ways.
hope i have helped.
mel xx


19-07-05, 13:35
Hey! I suffer from anxiety and not depression but was give anti-depressants. Just be careful because a lot of doctors out there just give them out like lollies when you might not even need them. Ive been on cipalex for 18months and am having a hell of a time coming of them. I wish my doctor had sent me to speak to someone before putting me on them. I have recently been to speak to someone and i am taking sessions on how to learn to deal with my anxiety in natural ways. For example learning to recognise symptoms and acting upon them before the anxiety gets bad. Also ive been taking breathing classes which when it was suggested to me i laughed but in actually fact it does help. Of course at the end of the day if you need to take something in order to function then i'm all for it... im just also saying try other alternatives before meds cause its hard to come of them.

20-07-05, 19:06
Dear MB

I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for the last twenty years. I am now 34.

Whilst I appreciate what the other posts are saying, I'm afraid that I need to put my two pennyworth in and disagree with nicjames on some of his/her points of view.

In my experience (which of course may not work for you) taking a course of Prozac was and still is the best thing that I have done. Apart from a slight weight gain, I have had absolutely no side effects and everybody keeps telling me how much better I look than I did a couple of years ago. The Prozac has helped both my anxiety and depression which developed later as a result of my anxiety.

I think that you need to take on board that anxiety/low self esteem/panic attacks/depression are all closely linked and one may set off another at some point. This is not true of everybody of course, and does not happen to everybody. As a result of this, one medication may be used to treat several complaints.

My recovery which is still ongoing has been successful as a result of the following:

a. change to diet and lifestyle, and taking more exercise
b. medication
c. joining this site and trying (most) of the things recommended
d. talking to friends and family, making more time for me
e. admitting everything to my GP
f. and last but not least signing up for and working through CBT

I am still on medication. I am still attending regular CBT sessions. I am still working hard at "attacking" the illnesses which are trying to "attack" me.

Most GP's now are more than happy to refer you for further treatment. I'm sure I'm correct in saying that all Health Authorities have a Community Mental Health Department, which offers a range of treatments, not just CBT.

Explain to your GP that whilst you accept that you may have to take medication in the short term, you want to use talking therapy alongside.

Prozac has worked for me. I don't know where I'd be without taking it. However, I appreciate that it doesn't suit everybody, nor is it a solution on its own.

Good luck and I hope you find something that suits you.

Sue K with 5
20-07-05, 22:16
Hi ya

I have been telling my doctor for years that the med I am on are not correctly prescribed because I am more anxious than depressed, you do have to really stand your ground sometimes, there is medication that can treat anxiety more than the deppresion and she will be th ebest person to talk to about this

good luck and keep us posted

Sue with 5


20-07-05, 23:56
Hi Hun

Like you i suffered anxiety and not depression and it was hard to get through it and find something that could help me. My anxiety did lead to depression but only due to the simply fact i was scared i would never get over it.

I was lucky and cipramil worked for me and although still on it, it has made a difference, yes i still get the odd bad day but i can see it for how it is.

I have tried lots of meds and even tried that one before and gave up but i got to the stage where i needed something and i persevered and it made a difference.

It isnt everyones answer to how we feel but i do hope you find something that helps you and there are meds out there focussed on anxiety.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.