View Full Version : Help Im a mess!!!

18-02-09, 19:13
Hello Everyone:)

Long time no see but I could really use some support:weep:

Im 3/4 way thru having my teeth out and as a result of not eating my immune system is shot:wacko:

Well I ended up in hospital with pnuemonia last week and a couple of the nurses were downright bullies....Im disabled and they found my lack of mobility annoying

I was on an emergency ward and in the middle of the night they brought an old fella in with his very mouthy and not all there son!!! The son refused to leave and settled in the chair opposite my bed and told me he was going to rape me:weep:

I feel traumatised by the whole thing.....I still feel really poorly and have spent the last 2 days anxious and shaky in bed mostly

I know I have a cheek reappearing to ask for help but I dont know which way to turn

Hope everyone is ok

Kaz x x x:hugs:

18-02-09, 19:20

What a nightmare for you! Can I suggest you contact the PALS service, it's the patient liason troubleshooters, you should be able to get their number from the Internet, if not, ask at your GP surgery.
It sounds like the ward staff need a boot up the rear for their attitude towards you and for not kicking out that moron that threatened you.
I'm guessing you told the ward staff what he said? Even if you didn't, he obviously had a bad attitude and should have been asked to leave by the security staff.

PS. What do you mean "you've got a cheek reappearing?" Don't be a silly moo!

18-02-09, 19:56

That's awful hun.

Course you can have our support and have a huge hug on me.


Wishing you well soon
Love Lisa

18-02-09, 20:12
Kazzie you poor thing, sounds like you have had a horrible time:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: We are always here if you need support or just hugs.

Carol x

18-02-09, 20:15
So sorry to hear you had such a terrible time in hospital.:hugs: The majority of nurses do a grand job ,but in my experiences of hospitals, im afraid there is the odd few who really dont have what it takes& shouldnt be there.This person should of been removed !physically if by no other means.I would definately report this! as these sort of things should not happen ,there..s no excuse.I do hope you have someone to look after you,?.I hope you feel better soon & best of luck with the tegs:flowers: luv sue xx:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

18-02-09, 20:41
Gosh Kazzie sounds like you have been having a rotten time!:ohmy:

Hope you are feeling better soon mate:bighug1: :bighug1: .


18-02-09, 20:46
Thank you all:hugs:

Its sooooo good to be back amoung friends:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

19-02-09, 19:57
So sorry you had such a terrible experience Kaz :hugs:

For anyone to be treated like that in hospital is wrong and downright disgraceful. You have every right to make a complaint but I know with anxiety it is difficult to do such things. My experience of being an inpatient last year was not good either.

You are among friends here and we are always here to support you :hugs:

Karen xx

Granny Primark
19-02-09, 20:09
Only minutes ago i was thinking of starting a post about you.
Ive been wondering how you were kazzie.
I miss yer mate.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Im so sorry your going thru a rough time.
Im glad you are back with us.
You have got so many friends on here that would never desert you.
You just whinge and moan as much as you like kazzie.
Thats what your many friends are here for.
To give you help and support.
Needless to say that goes for me mate.
Loads of love and good wishes.

19-02-09, 23:40
Awwww crying now:weep:

Thanks all and Lynn:hugs:

Love ya all

Kaz x x x:hugs:

20-02-09, 00:23

Course u not got a cheek, thats wot we here for

Wot a horrid time u have had. They should of got security to move him if they couldnt get him to go. I would report the incident.

Hope u are feeling better soon

:hugs: mandie x

20-02-09, 02:11
Hi Kazzie,
So sorry you are having a rough time at the moment :bighug1:
and that you had to endure sucha traumatic experience, :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: glad you are back safe now amongst friends.


26-02-09, 13:30
Kaz sorry you've been having such a pooh pants time hun. :hugs:

You've had some good advice about getting in touch with PALS and I would do that so you get a bit of closure on the matter and that the issue is brought to attention to prevent it happening again to someone else.

Love Piglet :flowers: