View Full Version : GOING ON MY HOLS!

19-07-05, 12:45
Hi Guys,:D

Just to let you know I am going on holiday to Florida [8D] on Thursday so won’t be around for a few days I am back on the 2nd August.

I have a mixture of emotions at the moment well nothing new really! LOL from excitement,:D nerves, [8)]fear,[xx(] anxiety and panic.

I am gonna try and knock the negative emotions on the head as best I can though and focus on the POSITIVES. Fun and excitement!:D[^] :) Fingers crossed hey!

I need an extra suitcase though to pack my anxiety tool box! Rescue remedy, Relaxation CD, [|)] aromatherapy oils, emergency use only Diazepam, brown paper bag, travel sick pills, Omega 3 plus Vits, Imodium, bottled water Claire Weekes (I reckon she’s been quite a few places now)! LOL oh the list is endless! What's the luggage weight limit! [:O] [:I] [Oops!]

Send me some POSITIVE reasurring vibes pretty please Gal's & Guy's.[:P]

Take good care all of you. I’ll miss you.[Yeah!] ;)

Love & Wishes :D

PIP’S X X [:X]

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"></td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote"> Home has no magical powers to keep you safe - Your safe place lies within yourself.

19-07-05, 13:37
[Wow!] Pips Florida [^] You WILL have a fantastic time.
Give Micky and Minnie a BIG HUG from me.



19-07-05, 14:43
Thanks so much Jill.

I hope you are well hun.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

19-07-05, 14:56
Have a great time in Florida Pips :D[^]:D[:P]:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

19-07-05, 14:57
VERY WELL thank you Pips,

a bit sick now because I'm going to Disney Paris, wish it
was Florida LOL :D
Never mind, maybe next year [^] Disney Paris will be fab:D

Sending you more positive Reasuring vubes


19-07-05, 15:23
Thanks so much Sarah.

Jill Disneyland Paris is Fab you will have a wonderful time.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

19-07-05, 15:41
Hi Pips

Hope you have a brill holiday, im sure you will,

take care and enjoy,

kairen x

19-07-05, 15:55
Thanks alot Kairen,

I hope your well.;)

Take care,

Love Pip's X X

19-07-05, 18:12
Hi Pips,

If you read this before you go have a super duper time and if you don't then welcome back was it good.Lots of love Piglet[8D][8D][8D][8D][8D][8D]

19-07-05, 18:16
Have a great time Pips!!!!!

Take care,

tracy x x

19-07-05, 19:06
Hey Pips

Have a great holiday.. enjoy yourself



19-07-05, 19:13
Wow Pips

Good luck with it all mate and I hope you have a fab time there.

I am not jealous atall of course.[}:)]

See you in London in a few weeks - look forward to seeing you again :D



"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

19-07-05, 19:55
Hiya hun

See you are off again on a long journey, and you did it last year and it hasnt put you off. That shows me how well you are doing and you wont let it beat you.

You have a great time, you deserve it.

Lots of PMT coming from me to you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

19-07-05, 23:35
Thanks so very much Piglet, Tracy, Meg, Nic and Sal for your kind words. They really do mean alot to me.

Looking forward to London to Nic mate.

Take care all,

Thanks again,

Love & Wishes


19-07-05, 23:38
I hope i can make London so i can meet up with you again.

I know we havent texted much recently but we should make the effort and i am always here for you.

I am just so pleased you are doing away and i really want you to have a brilliant time and like we always try to do leave that anxiety monster at the airport.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

19-07-05, 23:59
Spied you on site so will try and call you now mate before you jet of and leave me.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

20-07-05, 00:17
Thanks for ringing Sal hun,

It was great to here from you.

You really are a true mate. Remember I'm always here if you need me.

Take good care hun,

I will text you when i'm on my way!

Thanks for all that PMT to and I will be good honest!LOL

Love & BIG HUGS to you.


20-07-05, 00:30
It was great to talk to you and i have missed our chats and we should do better to keep in touch.

We met at Nics and although we had built up a great report through the site to me it was obvious we had hit it off and would be friends.

It was great to talk to you and i will text or ring you more often as mates should.

You have the best holiday mate and let me know how it is going.

Cant wait to meet up again and think you need to ask James where the central point is so we can do coffee and lots of crack and i am sure we will fit some shopping in too.

Dont forget the date i gave you as want you there after all the support you have given me and you have being a great frienfd.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

20-07-05, 08:24
Hope you have a great time! I'm of to Egypt next month :S AAAGGGHHH I'm going to be aducted by Mummies!!!!

x X xJade Loves Mike 4Eva x X x

20-07-05, 10:50
Thanks so much Sal hun.:D

I asked James and he reckons the central point would be Birmingham New Street. (if that's ok with you matey?)

So we will have to meet up when evers convenient for you hun and we will hit the shops and do the coffee and cake thang!!!!! I'll forget my diet that day! LOL [:O][:P]

Thanks again for being a wonderful wonderful friend and many thanks for all you great support.;)

Take Care hun,

Love Hugs & PMT to you ;)

PIP'S X X [:X]

20-07-05, 10:53
Hi Jade,

Thanks hun. I hope you have a fab time in Egypt and you are keeping well.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

20-07-05, 10:55
Hi Pips

Have a lovely holiday.

Los and lots of positive vibes coming your way.

Take care

Elaine x

20-07-05, 11:19
Hi Pips

Have an absolutly fantastic holiday :D

Cant wait to hear all about it when you get back.

Have A brilliant Time!!


Tatty B xx

20-07-05, 15:53
Thanks so much Elaine, Tatty B and Lucy for your kind words. All you guys are so Fabaroony!!!!!!!!

Take care all.

Love PIP'S X X X X

20-07-05, 17:10
Thanks Pips

Yeah I am, hope you are too.

x X xJade Loves Mike 4Eva x X x