View Full Version : HELP! my thigh feels bruised but there is no bruise evident..scared :(

18-02-09, 20:28
for the last couple days, mainly today, the side of my left thigh has felt bruised yet there is nothing there. it's quite painful at times but at others i can't feel it. i get pains everywhere normally and i'm scared of things like blood clots, i'm only 18 so i know this is unlikely but can anyone reassure me?! please xx

19-02-09, 20:49
Hi jadeyjade,
I posted about this a day or two ago and one lady said it felt like her thigh had been sandpapered!That exactly describes it for me. i am a lot older than you but I have hd it to a greater or lesser degree for years but lately it is persisting. Mine fls like all the nerves are on egde but there is no swelling reddening of skin or particular pain to the touch...all these would be evident if it were thrombosis. the area affected with me is the just front top of one thigh a little bit towards the inner centre. very odd and weird!

19-02-09, 20:57
I have this from time to time..it is an imflammation of the nerve endings. There is no outward sign of redness or bruise but when it is touched/rubbed sounds exactly like described..tingly and sorta sore. Please try not to worry......

20-02-09, 11:24
thanks for the replies, i have always had quite a few of those little thread veins or whatever they are...?! and they are around there, do you think they could be causing the pain? and if that is dangerous?! it does hurt when pushed on but it gets better and worse at different times which im sure it wouldnt if it was something really serious. i also get the same feeling at the sides of my ribcage under my arm pit, feels like my ribs are bruised, as if the wire in my bra has hurt them lol

20-02-10, 02:49
I just felt this yesterday, and it is no better today... My inner thigh feels like I bruised it, is very sensitive when I move it, or touch it, or even when my pants rub against it. At first I thought I must've bumped it at work or something, and just forgot about it, but when I looked at it, there was absolutely nothing there. It's not even red, or swollen. But it feels like it. So I know I didn't bump anything. Plus there is no sign of a spider bite or anything at all. Could it be from muscle strain? and if so, how come I only have it on one leg? I just worry more about mysterious ailments since I'm heading towards 50 now :(.

21-05-12, 01:29
I have had this new feeling only today and I don't feel as though I am anxious about anything. My skin is tender to touch right above my right knee at my inner thigh. I can rub it and it feels bruised, but there is no bruise. I don't know what to make of it as I have never had this before. If anyone can shed some light on this, then I would be most appreciative.


27-08-12, 02:34
I am also having the same painful inner thigh bruise like feeling. I have not found any other site that has this same description I wonder if any of you have received any diagnosis??? In addition to this pain on my left inner thigh above my knee I am also having pain in my left heel where I cannot put weight on it at all. i have not had any recent increase in activity or injury either.. Basically there is no explanation for this pain. I am wearing the same shoes I have worn every day for months so it is not shoes either.... Please help!:weep: Pain is becoming unbearable; at first I could try to ignore it but now I cannot.

27-08-12, 09:41
I have something like this on my shins ... it's been like that for a few years now. I never really knew what it was and luckily it started before I had massive anxiety.

26-10-16, 04:03
I don't know if any of yall have lower back issues, but I do and since having another si joint injection I have had this bruised feeling n deep aches in my legs n feet. Soooo many other things, thought this was a pain site, but I've had panic attacks in the past as well, get panicy from aches, pains and oddness as well, so I understand.
Thought I would post this in case a couple get a bit of reassurance from my issues :( although I wouldn't wish l4-si issues to even my worst enemy.
Wish you all the best :)

26-10-16, 07:54
for the last couple days, mainly today, the side of my left thigh has felt bruised yet there is nothing there. it's quite painful at times but at others i can't feel it. i get pains everywhere normally and i'm scared of things like blood clots, i'm only 18 so i know this is unlikely but can anyone reassure me?! please xx

I get this symptom a lot. The last two days it was the back of my leg. I'm always saying to hubs that I feel bruised but there is no sign of bruising. I get it all over my body and sometimes my scalp feels sore to touch. I remember one day this year washing my hair and it felt like I'd been punched on the head. I think it's to do with nerve endings becoming sensitive. It's all to do with the stress response.

10-04-17, 09:11
I am also having the same painful inner thigh bruise like feeling. I have not found any other site that has this same description I wonder if any of you have received any diagnosis??? In addition to this pain on my left inner thigh above my knee I am also having pain in my left heel where I cannot put weight on it at all. i have not had any recent increase in activity or injury either.. Basically there is no explanation for this pain. I am wearing the same shoes I have worn every day for months so it is not shoes either.... Please help!:weep: Pain is becoming unbearable; at first I could try to ignore it but now I cannot.

I came across this topic while trying to find the cause of my bruise-like thigh pains. In my case the pain started on the inner part of my right thigh stretching from the groin to behind the knees. The bruise-like pain spread to the outer thigh from my hips to the knees. limiting my range of movement, and then finally to the front of the thigh. Some areas felt more painful than others. Two days later my left thigh also developed the pains. There are mo external bruising or swelling. It affected my sleep for a few nights as certain positions made the pain unbearable. I noticed that this happened only after I had a game of badminton a week ago (after many years of rest due to hand injury), followed by swimming 30 laps a few days thereafter. Could this be overstrained muscles? They sure feel very different from past muscle aches. I had similar bruising-like pains in my shins a few years back and I think they called it "shin-splints" (again after badminton after a long period of rest).

By the way for the benefit of those who have heel pains, do get an x-ray to check for growth of bony spurs. I had them previously and the pain can be quite excruciating.

Catherine S
10-04-17, 11:45
Heel pain can also be caused by something as common as Plantar fasciitis. This can occur if you wear shoes that don't support your feet too well, or if you run/jog regularly. In women it can happen when changing from wearing heels to very flat shoes. I used to get it in the summer when I lived in flip-flops for most of the time. I've had to change to normal sandals that raise my heels more.

The pain occurs typically at the back of the heel as well as in the pad of the heel underneath and can feel very sharp..stops you in yoyr tracks when it comes on. It happens when the band of tissue called the Plantar fascia becomes inflamed. This band stretches from your heel to your toes and support the arch of the foot and acts like a shock absorber.