View Full Version : Hey hey hey!

18-02-09, 21:25
Hi everybody, my name is Chris, I'm 20 years old and I live in America. Lately I've been having discomfort in my chest and very minor pains on the left side of my chest. I don't really open up to people about my problems so I was very glad when I found this messageboard.

When I lay down I feel some discomfort in my chest which makes me stay up an extra hour or so before I can get to bed. Sometimes I get nervous that my heart is just going to, well stop but then I constantly check my heart rate and it's always in the 60-80 beats per minute range. I finally built up the courage to go to the medical center here on campus and the nurse said my heart rate, blood pressure were fine. Sometimes I find myself slipping into mild panic attacks where it gets a little tough to breath and my mind starts thinking of all the bad things that can happen.

I try to tell myself that I'm fine, like I said I'm 20 years old, I play intramural Basketball here at school, and when I don't have a game I run 1-2 miles. My heart doesn't bother me when I exercise, but more-so I worry about my health when I have downtime with nothing to do. So that's why I came here, this board seems to have a great group of members looking to help out!

Vanilla Sky
18-02-09, 21:39
Hi Chris and welcome to NMP, you will find support and understanding here. Im glad you got yourself checked out so now you know it isnt your heart. It sounds like anxiety, did you get offered any meds ? Maybe you want to be med free and cope without it, either way you will find it helpful on this site with your fellow sufferers! So maybe see you in chat sometime love Paige x

18-02-09, 22:04
Hi and :welcome:to NMP
I am pleased that you have found us as there is so much help, support and information. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends.

take care xxx

18-02-09, 22:05
Hey buddy. I know how you're feeling. I've experienced the same symptoms as I suffer from Health Anxiety. Thats the thing with anxiety, the more you think about the symptom the worse it seems to get. As the poster above said, you will find loads of support and useful information here. I'm new to this forum too and it really does put my mind at ease sharing my thoughts and experiences.

Take care

19-02-09, 08:45
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

19-02-09, 09:41
Hi Chris, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :D

19-02-09, 11:21

Welcome to the site I think you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care
