View Full Version : funny headaches..

18-02-09, 22:53
duuno if related to recent upped dosage but it feels like my forehead is pressureised, the its goes and then also eyes hurt one then the other then goes away? and now and then feel more alert for few minuetes?

19-02-09, 10:19
I read somewhere that Cit can affect your sinus. I get sinus problems anyway and that is generally a pain like you said, only it lasts a lot longer.

Make sure you are drinking enough too. (Not just coffee, obviously!) I am sure it is nothing to worry about but considering one of the most common side effects of this SSRI is head pain, I am pretty sure it is the meds.

19-02-09, 21:51
thanx dude

19-02-09, 23:54
yes my head eyes and ears feel pressurized on citalopram. I am sure its a side effect. X

26-02-09, 22:09
yes my head eyes and ears feel pressurized on citalopram. I am sure its a side effect. X

seems to be gradually going... fingers crossed..