View Full Version : ok.. My time to reflect.

18-02-09, 23:30
I have never really thought of this as PTSD.. but lately I feel that perhaps I actually have a problem.

Reading recently of Jade Goody's latest illness has prompted me to go get a smear test .. one I should of got 8 years ago!.. It is not through embarressment or having to go through the process that has put me off, but rather due to an awful experience I had back in 1995. .. Let me explain.

Since I was about 18, I had to go for smear tests every 6 months, as I had what is called ' an errosion of the cervix' there is another name used but I cannot think of it now.. Anyhoo. this meant that I had to be checked regularly and I was pretty used to going and getting a smear done. I never had a problem going, and used to go to the main Gyno area at my local hospital, I even knew the nurses by name !. Inevitably the results eventually came back saying I had bad cells, and off I went for a colposcopy, which was not too much of a problem. I had a Female Doc and she took 3 biops which were uncomfortable but pretty much painless. I was then told that I would have to have Laser treatment to remove the cells.

It was as an outpatient, the surgery would not take long and I was told it was painless as I would be given a local anesthetic.. However on the day, I was not greeted by the same Doctor, but one that said no more to me other than ' Morning ' .. the Nurse was young but seemed freindly. I was then told ( by the nurse ) that I was not having Laser, I would be having what is called ' Loop diathermy' which consists of charging up a thin loop of wire with electricity that would be used to scrape all the bad cells from my cervix.. Ok, I thought..

Then the most horrific experience of my life took place.

I was given an injection of local anesthetic, my friend could not hold my hand as I had to be earthed ' apparently'.. I wore a blue sticker on my leg.. anyhoo.. I was nervous but ok, untill I felt the most escruciating pain! I had ever felt in my life!.. to cut the the point, the anesthetic did not work.. and I felt everything...

I will not go into too much detail here.. as I don't want to frighten people.. that really, regardless of what happened to me it is rare..and this procedure is usually at most uncomfortable...

But for me, I suffered.. and I was also not treated very well.. after two more injections of anesthetic, the Doctor just went in a did a final scrape!.. I was a mess.. I was in shock, in pain, and felt like I had been treated like a piece of meat.. I found out later from my own GP that he had reiceived many complaints about that Doc and that i should report him and sue.. and that he would support me.. however, I just wanted it over and done with.

Anyhoo.. I am wondering if I have PTSD from this ?.. as after I was given the all clear 8 years ago.. I have not been.. and as much as I want to go, I just have this mental block..

I am not worried about having bad cells.. I fear having to have treatment again..

I must stress again though.. to anyone reading this.. that I have spoken to many people about this procedure and so far i am the only person this has happened to, so please please, do not be put off by my story. I need to take my own advice and go get done.. and if I have to have treatment again, then I can say my fears and explain why.. and maybe they will understand and knock me out next time lol.. but still.. the fear is there.

Hope 2
19-02-09, 14:08
Hi Mully

I think you are very brave for posting about what happened.

The ordeal you went through was horrendous.

I expect you felt very vulnerable and anxious. From my experience, certain events that left me feeling violated and insignificant, are at the root of my problems now.

I can so relate to the 'feeling like a piece of meat'. It's when people who are meant to care for us make us feel this way, that we can be left pretty messed up/damaged.

I used to be a surgical nurse before I had to quit due to mh probs. I feel sickened and angry to think you were treated this way, and I send you a nursey hug xx

From what you said, I imagine (understandibly) you brushed this whole thing under the carpet, but maybe you could seek some help so you can heal from this terrible abuse of care and trust.

I began some counselling 6 months ago, and I have found talking through things does help.

Hope you are okay