View Full Version : Scared of having fits

18-02-09, 23:34
I've been scared recently of having fits or seizures, as sometimes I feel very jittery and panicky and I just feel like im going to collapse or fit or something. Does anyone have this? I could really do with some positive advice or comments as this is really starting to upset me. It doesnt help that my friend told me today that her sister had a fit the other day for no apparent reason - im really scared...

19-02-09, 01:36
I have exactly the same thing and my husband looks at me like I am mad or something when I discuss it with him.The fear isn't there all the time it tends to come and go.I have read dr claire weeks book "help with your nerves" and there is a section in there about this fear and she says anxiety does not cause fits which made me feel a little better.I have also mentioned it to my doctor on one occasion and he said the same thing and the fact that you have to be pre-disposed to them whatever that meant.I still worry and fret about this so I know where you are coming from,see your gp if you needmore assurance.

19-02-09, 03:57
you dont just have fits like that being panicky or the high steet would be full of people haveing fits day and night ,,,,you wont have a fit dont worry
wish you better

tanya 1
19-02-09, 10:28
hi all,i just wanted to say that my brother has severe epilepsey and learning difficulties and when i had my first massive panic attack and didnt have a clue what was going on,i really freaked out and told my mum to phone an ambulance because i said i felt as if i was going to have a fit like my brother god i was so scared but that was when i was 18,now im 24,and what i know now is that when i first started having panic attacks i was convinced i was ill there was something wrong with me and couldnt understand why no one was taking any notice i thought i was going to die,but then i done some research on panic attacks and anxiety and excepted that there is absolutley nothing wrong with me phisically,its just all my emotions built up and i worry too much and negative thinking which im having cbt for and getting better,so honestly you will not have a fit from panicking
hope this helps
tanya 1 x

19-02-09, 13:34
thanks for all the reassurance- Tanya thats exactly how I felt when I had my first panic attack and its how I feel still when im having panic attacks, I just feel really wierd and my head feels heavy and dull and disjointed from everything around me.
I know that my imagination makes some awful images, and I worry that noone will be around to save me if i did have a fit or something. There is no reason I should feel like this health wise as I have never had a fit and blood results etc show everything is fine...I jsut cant stop worrying...

19-02-09, 18:29
Yes that is my worst fear suddenly having a fit and it does worry me at times!!!!!