View Full Version : Unable to accept negative thoughts

18-02-09, 23:57
I know it's been spoken about alot on here that you have to let negative thoughts flow and they are just thoughts. I find it hard as they grip your mind.

Ok I won't act on the negative stuff but the fact I get these thoughts disturb me. When I block them out they don't get in but eventually I need to breathe and they come back. Why do they come back I just told them they are not me, are negative thoughts? They do they have a fear over me?

For two years I mean I have been fighting these negative thoughts they make me question my insanity and bubble wrap my mind into thinking they are real. It's just melted my confidence I fear going manic depressed, no longer being straight even though I am this HOCD stuff. I can reassure myself yes it's just anxiety and two hours later it's back with a vengeance.

Just how do you deal with them? I am sick to the bone of feeling uncomfortable in my own skin, paranoid people are looking at me and bubble wrapped in negative anxiety. I just fear even talking about it in case people think oh I am not straight, when I am. I feel unrelaxed round anybody of the same sex. OCD over clothes/music. I sometimes don't talk in fear of developing manic depression. The more intense and longer the thoughts last the more real they feel.

I just feel its melting me and destroying my life. Sometimes the thoughts seem to real I have become to accept that they are there but I don't because it's not me and I am fed up fighting. I refuse to accept the nature of the negative OCD thoughts. The whole anxiety gives me messed up way of thinking on life. I could be thinking of meeting a nice new woman and my anxiety crushes me and says what If I stop being straight..it's horrible. A massive doubt, negative thought..can't see clear. I take a shower to try and help anxiety and now that doesn't seem to help as I never find answers.

My head is wound up by this anxiety what can I do? what book, food will help? I feel nothing can. I've tried they still topple me and nobody can reassure me enough. My short term has been well I have had g.fs and I have been I am 20 and been straight all this time and had HOCD for 2 years and it's just been thoughts...I can get past today but what about tomorrow...next day?

19-02-09, 11:46
Hiya, Have you thought about CBT, which will then challenege these thoughts?

You could either go to the doctor and tell them the problems you have and they may refer you for cbt, or you could undertake your own by purchasing one of the many cbt books around.

Hope things improve for you :)

19-02-09, 13:47
I've had the same problem. If by straight you mean, well - heterosexual, then yeah in that context I've thought I might be gay, but I KNOW I'm not.

It's weird how these things grip our minds but the important thing, I guess, i that you know what you are and so do I and so do others on this forum!

It is bloody annoying though, I'll give you that, haha.

Hope all is well mate:)

19-02-09, 15:02
Give CBT a try - when you discuss your issues, the CBT person has a way of getting you to look at them in a simple fashion. Most of our hang ups are not life threatnig (although some times they feel like they are) so try and gauge them from 1-10, anything below 5 should be dismissed, anything above 5, you need to talk about and get to the bottom of.

Good luck


19-02-09, 17:48
Give CBT a try - when you discuss your issues, the CBT person has a way of getting you to look at them in a simple fashion. Most of our hang ups are not life threatnig (although some times they feel like they are) so try and gauge them from 1-10, anything below 5 should be dismissed, anything above 5, you need to talk about and get to the bottom of.

Good luck


Thanks what would be above 5 though?

Most fears are irrational so should be 0 really for any non anxiety suffer. Anxiety seems to have it's list of prime topics it makes you worry about it's weird especially as I have worried about obscure things. Forgetting the anxiety thought provides temporary relief however my mind for the last two years has been set to "I have a thought, it must be real/have some meaning otherwise I would not be thinking of it" this means my cycle stays forever. I may come to a logical solution from paper it is irrational but it's like I forget I done this. I feel the sense to go back to the worry, as the irrational fear is there so I must worry. Does that make sense? That's what's stopping me moving on from a thought.

Like these fears could happen to anybody but I have the negative ones like above, and ones which vanish over night like If i cut my finger by mistake I worry next day its healed I am fine. These ones are easy to forget about. It's almost like I need some kind of reassurance but that never helps.

I was once told not to look at the subject but the root that is anxiety and a thought is just that. If you let it into your mind then the phantom symptoms appear and it feels real. It's hard to hit that block every time. To me OCD is doubting yourself, you go back to check the door is locked even though you know you did it. You fear losing control, some fears are not that important but you feel that importance, when the thought comes the mind puts more significance on it. Perhaps the key is learning to trust yourself first time? Any ideas? this could be the same with OCD thoughts?

19-02-09, 20:39
hi,i have had negitive thoughts i ano they aint nice.

i helped my self in the mean time while i am on the waiting list for CBT buy purchasing a self help book,

'How To Master Anxiety' - 'All you need to know to overcome Stress,Panic Attacks,Phobias,Trauma,Obsessions.

by Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell.

This book has helped me alot with how to get push the thoughts out off your mind.Worth a look Cost me £9.98 inc delivery of Amazon.co.uk,Heres a direct link..


Hope This Helps.

21-02-09, 20:17
My mind is still messed up at the moment but a bit off what I was a few days back..

I am finding the dating scene hard in my mind as I get totally obsessive about everything having to be perfect it's like relationship OCD before I'm even in one. I just get very picky about the type of woman I go for really daft stuff like age, size, hair colour and I can sit hour hours going over it and over it and over it looking for answers. It's frustrating as I see some woman who could be my ideal woman.

I know I am being totally silly. I had the same issues last year I would not add certain people I worked to a social networking site with due to size or them not being my type. I feel the anxiety makes me feel all shallow and I obsess even though I know there's no harm on talking to people. I obesss over new clothes and take them back due to my HOCD.

I just feel messed up. I have been off work on holiday a week and It always gives you more time to dwell on it. I dwelled before but do it even more now. Where do i go from here? the crazy thing is I eventually added these people I work with and I know I am being silly for being picky on woman after being single two years.

What can I do? I feel awful right now I know I make myself feel worse? Why Do I obsess like this? why do I look at negative and not see good? I just duno what's going on.

I wasn't sure where to post this but I guess it's negative thoughts, went for a walk hoping to clear my head and It kind of helped but I am sitting here now all messed up in the mind I feel I am going crazy. Sometimes it's like a big weight on my shoulder and talking about it helps. I just feel bad as my fussiness partly lead me to be single before.

I guess nobody else has felt this way and it's just me?

21-02-09, 20:59
many of us have had bad thoughts reading what you write it sounds like you spend a lot of time alone just thinking conversation can help to change our thought patterns have you got a counsellor?