View Full Version : Update/MRI results.

18-02-09, 23:59
Hi all,

I haven't posted in a couple weeks, but I thought I'd update on my situation...

I'd been having a variety of symptoms that were leading both myself and my doctor to look for MS. I got my MRI results today, and it was...normal. I know I should be relieved, but I'm not. Not yet, anyway. I'm back to the beginning, just feeling like my body isn't working properly and no one can tell me what's wrong. It's just so frustrating, and I scare myself when I think that I'd almost rather be sick so I had an answer.

So apparently I'm okay, and I just need to stop worrying and let my doctor know if anything gets worse. I told him there was no way I'd stop worrying, though. I'd just have to cope the best I could.

It never helps that it's one thing after another with me, either. The other day, a big lump developed on the top of my foot for seemingly no reason. I didn't injure it and there's no pain. It's gone down some, so I didn't mention it to my doctor. I figured I'd give it a few days and go to the walk-in clinic if nothing changes by Monday. But of course I'm worried that it's something awful. I feel like I can't catch a break.

That's all for now...


19-02-09, 05:55
My husband got a lump on his hand. I freaked out and made him go to the doctor. The doctor said it was a water syst and would eventually go away on its own. I hope you get to feeling better soon.