View Full Version : Can Microwaves Cause Damage?

19-02-09, 03:57
This might be an all time high in terms of ridiculous fears, but I felt like I had to ask anyways. Is it possible for microwaves to cause brain cancer or other radiation based illnesses? I work in a kitchen with microwaves constantly going at head level for 8 hours a day and being the overly worrisome person I am this thought has crossed my mind more than once.


19-02-09, 06:28
Hi chap

A microwave oven operates at 2.4Ghz (hence interferes with Wireless LANs), and in theory, exposure can cause harm over sustained long periods of time.

The good news is, the microwave oven is designed to prevent leakage, and microwave energy quickly dissipates in an open eviroment.

Guidlines for safe operation include:

Never use a microwave that has a faulty door
Always keep an arms length away during operation
never operate a microwave when empty

Unless you have the microwave strapped your ear (don't do this, you can look silly and can burn your ear) then the risk I would suggest is minute.

To calm your anxiety fears, suggest to your boss the possibility of having the microwaves checked for leaks, this is not costy and is something that should be carried out as "good practice" at regular periods in a working enviroment, like PAT testing etc.



19-02-09, 08:54
Jaco is right about everything, microwaves are actually radiowaves and not as some people think radiation (well not the Chernobyl kind anyway!) and as Jaco says are contained in the casing providing there are no faults with them and even then the chance of you being affected is negligable, so relax and ask about the testing JUST to ease your mind if nothing else!
Back in the eightes I used to work on them.
There is no need to be embarrassed, asking questions is how we learn!