View Full Version : I am reading old posts here instead of google from now on

19-02-09, 05:50
I started having an irregular heartbeat in 2000. I went to the doctor and it was a harmless. She called them PVC's and said to exercise more and drink less coffee. So once I knew they were harmless I just ignored them. I got pregnant in 04 and I got them back with a vengeance. I told my ob who blew it off without reassuring me that they were harmless so I spent most of my pregnancy terrified I would die in childbirth. I did not obviously. FF to now. They started again a month or so ago. Just a few at a time but recently they are coming in clusters. I will sit here and feel constant fluttering and thumping for 30 seconds or more. So silly me I google it. Bad mistake. I then was convinced I was dying. So the next day I ran to my doctor. He did an EKG which was normal and took some blood. He asked me if I had any chest pain, lightheadedness or shortness of breath. At the time I said no but of course I get home and obsess about it so every little twinge has me scared. I keep telling myself that chest pains from my heart muscle getting damaged would not be little twinges or a slight pain with I move my right arm. This afternoon I was so stressed I made myself feel ill. I was not lightheaded but just felt like my legs were wobbly and I was very shaky.I tried telling myself that if it were bad the EKG would have picked it up or I would have at the very least passed out. Nothing worked until I came here and read all the irregular heartbeat posts. I also noticed that my scary symptoms I had this afternoon goes away when I am distracted by reading other peoples posts on here too.I am totally calm again. Every time I feel a twinge I remember I have had a nasty chest cold that has had me coughing for over a week so my lungs are sore. My husband who has had the same cold said his chest hurts sometimes too. Sure the PVC's are still coming in clusters but I seem to be able to ignore them now. I feel kinda silly for running off to the doctor like I did now. I wish I found this place before googling irregular heartbeat and reading all the scary stuff.

19-02-09, 10:29
I agree, my worst problem with anxiety is that i googled nearly everything! Makes me think, would we have our anxiety as much as we have today if we did not have google to search on? My therapist has told me under no circumstances am i to google anything medical.... it would just drive me more crazier. Not everything on the net is true.