View Full Version : Air Hunger

19-02-09, 07:49
I always feel like I have to take in a big gulp of air every few minutes. This has been going on non-stop since January of last year. I've been to quite a few doctors and they've all told me it's caused by anxiety, but I honestly don't know what I'm anxious about!!

I've been to three psychologists and a hypnotherapist, I've been prescribed Ativan, Prozac, Paxil, Ciprolex (Not sure if that's spelled right), Effexor, Zoloft, and Xanax, but nothing has made any difference.

I find it hard to believe that this is caused by anxiety when I'm really not that anxious of a person (unless I have everyone fooled including myself), but I've been thoroughly checked out by my doctors and nothing seems to be physically wrong. I find when I start worrying enough about my breathing that it can cause an actual panic attack, which is another reason I have a hard time believing it's anxiety. Is it possible to have constant anxiety symptoms that can be overlapped by worse anxiety symptoms?

I'm not asthmatic and I'm not overweight. I go to the gym almost daily. Does anyone else have this problem and have you found anything that has worked for you?

21-02-09, 15:13
I do!
My doctor told me it was 'air hunger' caused by anxiety.
Some days i have no idea what im anxious about at all..

21-02-09, 15:20
You need to be doing correct breathing every day until it becomes 2nd nature.

You are overbreathing hence the gulping for air all the time.

Have a read on the webiste pages here for the correct breathing technique to use.

21-02-09, 16:08
Ive done this for years hun its definitely caused by anxiety...overbreathing.
I keep taking in deep breaths as if i cant get enough air into my lungs...daft really because im obviously still breathing inbetween. But it is a little scary and makes you think that there something physically wrong other than anxiety. I understand how your feeling, but it will ease hun and go away. Mine went away for a long long time, and its only because im going through menopause that my anxiety has started again.
Hope it gets better soon for you
Take care