View Full Version : Please Help - Need Some Closure (I'm New)

19-02-09, 10:43
I'll try not to make this long but, I have always been a worrier. I dramatise most things much more than a "normal" person would. Basically, last November I developed a rash on my lower legs and lower back. I weren't too bothered because it was like an eczma type rash i'd had really bad several years before. It had eventually started to go on its own but I went to the doctor anyway. It wasn't my usual doctor. He looked puzzled and gave me some cream which I found out was used to treat various anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, eczma conditions. I used it and it went. However, I started googling and it has ruined my life since. I read all manner of scary things and convinced myself it was something really bad (even though it had gone by this time). Anyway, at the begining of the year I went to see another doctor, explained my fears and she checked me all over and said you are healthy and you are suffering from anxiety. She explained that my immune system must be healthy otherwise the rash would not have gone. I begged her for blood tests but she said no because I didn't need them and it would make my anxiety worse. This helped for about a day and I was back to worrying again. Anyway, a few weeks ago I went to another doctor and explained I just wanted some routine blood tests to just see if things were ok. He let me have them. I was worried mainly about the full blood count becuase this is a picture of your general health. Anyway, I phoned for the results last week and was told they were all normal and no action was required. That's where it should have ended. I had to read through the list of tests i'd had whilst the lady on the phone looked at the results and told me what was what. The full blood count was last on the list and although I heard her say "normal, no action required" I put the phone down and immediately thought "what if she read it wrong - what if she wasn't looking at it properly, etc.". I was this to stop now as it's ruining everything in my life. All I want to know really is (a) am I silly for thinking they got my results wrong/read them wrong? and (b) if I had any underlying problems, would the full blood count have picked up abnormalities.

Thanks if anyone has read this far. I'd really appreciate some feedback as I would like to draw a line under this chapter as i am tired of waking up with a feeling of dread in my stomach each day.

Since i've been for the tests I do feel a lot better in myself, the tummy pains have stopped and other anxiety related symptoms but I just can't get that wondering feeling of whether they got my results wrong out of my head.


20-02-09, 14:38

If the blood results were abnormal u would of heard.

Why dont you make appt with your dr and let him tell you your results. Maybe then it will put your mind at rest.

Im a worrier to, i no how you are feeling

love mandie x

20-02-09, 14:58
Have replied to your previous post, Smudge