View Full Version : Anyone Ever Stayed Off Citalopram???????

19-02-09, 11:34
Hi all, me again! :blush: Im probably jumping the gun here as usual but im only 6 weeks on 20mg and its my second time on it, last time was on it for 8 months but went back on it after 6 weeks as I drank alcohol and had major panic. (I get hangovers that dont ever go away:ohmy: ) Anyway my question is - has anybody had successful treatment of citalopram and come off it and stayed off it???????? :yesyes: Guess I just need a bit of reassurance today. Thanksxx

19-02-09, 19:07
I would love to know the answer to this...it seems like so many people get off of an SSRI only to go back on one again. I asked my doctor the other day whether people ever get off these drugs and stay off for life and he said "sometimes." If anyone has been on citalopram and got off it, and stayed off of it, it would be good hear.

19-02-09, 21:12

I was on Citalopram for around 7 years off and on for Agorophobia/panic attacks. I did have times when i had to go back on them again after a few months because the panic returned, but i slowly weaned my self off them about 3 year ago and so far i have been fine. I still have the odd times when i feel panicky or the anxiety rises but i have learnt through CBT and therapy how to control it. I think i will always be a anxious person either on meds or not but its a matter of learning how to control it.


19-02-09, 22:17
Congrats Andrea on getting yourself off the Citalopram! :yesyes:

I have been on this drug for 7 years too, I have tried twice to get off them but I suffered terribly with withdrawal effects and became someone I didn't like and did things completely out of character.. that I gave in and went back on to full dose.

But it's good to hear that even if one person out of many can get off these meds.. It gives hope to those of us who have tried and failed, that maybe one day, we will accomplish the same.

Huggles x

20-02-09, 02:23
I had my first panic attack in 2004. My doctor gave me Citalopram straight away I had no idea what is was so I just excepted it. It had no side effects so I decided to stay on it until I started to feel better. after a year my Doctor told me to take one every other day and then one every two days I did this for a while until I eventualy just stopped taking it. At the time I knew very little about anxiety, because I was given Citalopram straight away it was a fast cure for me. However last year the panic came back! big time and this time I was offered CBT.
When I asked about the Citalopram my doctor said in 2004 when my panic started
"Ignorance WAS bliss..." and now four years on I am more aware of the side effects of meds and it could highten my anxiety. :unsure:

I haven't been refused citalopram but I took the doctors advice and decided to go with the CBT instead . It hasn't been easy xmas was awful but the answer to your question is yes I have stayed off Citalopram for two years. I hope all goes well for you :)

21-02-09, 18:02
So the answer seems to be if you come off it you will be anxious again in a few months and if you stay on it you wont. I guess I will be on these for life. This is horrible as I want another child and Im getting married in september. Life is crap.

21-02-09, 18:26
yes I have come off it and stayed off it and all other anti-depressants and tranquilizers I had been on for many years. The pills were making me very ill. I used a book called 'Coming off antidepressants' by Joseph Glenmullen. The contents of this book shocked me,it seems doctors use many drugs on us without knowing how they effect us neither do they know about withdrawal symptoms. I also have a therapist and use cognitive behavioural therapy trying to overcome agoraphobia once more. I hope this helps.

22-02-09, 16:46
Well that sounds a bit more promising faith! I came off them but had to go back on them due to alcohol related anxiety. Next time I come off them I will not drink like I did last time. x

12-03-09, 14:21
I had my first panic attack in 2004. My doctor gave me Citalopram straight away I had no idea what is was so I just excepted it. It had no side effects so I decided to stay on it until I started to feel better. after a year my Doctor told me to take one every other day and then one every two days I did this for a while until I eventualy just stopped taking it. At the time I knew very little about anxiety, because I was given Citalopram straight away it was a fast cure for me. However last year the panic came back! big time and this time I was offered CBT.
When I asked about the Citalopram my doctor said in 2004 when my panic started
"Ignorance WAS bliss..." and now four years on I am more aware of the side effects of meds and it could highten my anxiety. :unsure:

I haven't been refused citalopram but I took the doctors advice and decided to go with the CBT instead . It hasn't been easy xmas was awful but the answer to your question is yes I have stayed off Citalopram for two years. I hope all goes well for you :)
Hello Kathryn.
You are so lucky to have a doctor that prescribed you CBT as an alternative to these horrible drugs. I have asked mine repeatedly to do the same for me but she told me that in the area in which I live, the mental Health system is in meltdown...so no CBT for me. I INTEND to come off them and damn the consequences because before I was put on them I was simply anxious. Now I am anxious AND depressed and unable to go to work due to the constant tiredness, lack of appetite and projectile vomiting that CPM seems to induce each day.
Well done for being brave and getting off and staying off...