View Full Version : Citalopram for GAD?

Hereford Al
19-02-09, 13:31
Hi guys. Hope things are OK. I'm after a bit of advice.

Basically been suffering with pretty bad anxiety (that some days is near unmanageable) for over a year now. I've been on 30mg Mirtazapine since late Summer last year but still get extremely nervous in "everyday" situations - Going into town on the bus, being in a long queue in a shop, etc. Some days my nerves get so bad I can hardly leave the house.

I'm going to ask to try an alternative medication, because I believe that Mirtazapine is somewhat exacerbating the problem with mental hyperactivity (constant obsessive thoughts/fears about the same things) I seem to get. Plus I seem to get a fair few physical symptoms of anxiety which are quite embarassing for me at times - feeling that I am about to cry at any minute, serious urges to empty my bladder, etc.

Could anyone on here let me know what success you had with certain doses of Citalopram as regards pretty bad General Anxiety levels. I was initially prescribed Citalopram before the Mirtazapine but was in such a state anyway (due to work stress) that I could not handle the side effects so stopped after 2 days. I'm prepared for a bit of pain for some long term gain this time, because I have been off work with these problems for 6 months now and want to get back into it and be "normal" again.

Something happened over the weekend that has made me want to get this sorted once and for all, rather than bumbling along at 60% back to how I was 18 months ago when I considered myself to be a really happy, calm person.


19-02-09, 13:58
Oh dear I can sympathise with your situation. I stopped Seroxat and started citalopram on 27th dec last year. I have anxiety and panic, and too am off work sick presently.I stopped taking 40mg seroxat one day and started the cital the next. I was told by the dr that I might feel a bit strange for a few days. The pharmacist said I may feel a bit drunk but nothing umpleasant. The withdrawal from Seroxat was living hell!!! it was horrendous and went on for over 2 weeks with no respite! .....Cold turkey, shaking, panic through the roof, physically in pain being sick etc desperately low mood and on and on I could go. One of the worst things was for my 2 children to see their mum like this. My advice is do this change if you're feeling strong and determined enough to cope with it. My husband was on holiday from work when I was at my worst. . . . all I can say is Thank God he was ! I am now up to 40mg of citalopram and have had and am still getting side effects. I am better that I was but an yet to see any real evidence in myself of being able to lead a normal life and return to work. Good luck. I don't know what the tablets are that you are on at the moment but I hope you don't feel like I did when changing. Having said that, I have lived to tell the tale!:yesyes: