View Full Version : new here worried out of my mind

19-02-09, 15:00
Hi everyone,

This is my first time posting i just really need some reassurance/advice on my situation.

Im 28 mother of 2 very young boys,I have always worried about health issues and always seem to think i have some disease or other. for the last 3 months i have had issues with blood on the toilet paper after a bowel movement, it is only ever on the toilet paper and other than an episode of cramps and diarrea just after it started I have no other bowel problems and am v regular.

The blood is often accompanied by a sharp or slight tearing sensation and most of the time is a pale pink in colour but sometimes bright fresh red.
I have today been to the doctors for the fourth time, had four examinations all by different doctors and have just been given my third lot of cream, they all say you just have an anal fissure and there is no need for any further investigation or concern. If this is the case I dont understand why it wont heal, the pain really isnt that bad and for the most part I am managing to keep my bowel movements soft (taking lactulose and fibogel all the time)

I have convinced myself its either a tumour or a pre cancerous polyp thatthey will never find becuase wont refer me its taken over my life and is just driving me insane...please help :weep:

19-02-09, 16:23
maybe you have hemmoriods? Sometimes when I wipe I have some blood on the paper, as long as your bowel isn't red or you don't see blood in the toilet there really isn't anything to worry about. The tearing sound you hear is a tear, that's what is causing the blood on the paper. It probably can't heal because as woman everytime we go to the bathroom we wipe front and back so it's probably irritating it everytime you use the bathroom. Please try not to worry. I'm pretty sure if you had a tumor or a polyp that you would hurt in your abdomen and have more blood in your bowels than just a little on the paper.

19-02-09, 16:33
thanks, its just of all the hundreds of fissure stories i've looked at mine doesnt seem to fit!

19-02-09, 18:26
Could be hemmroids with IBS. I did have some bowel issues that I needed surgery for. I can tell you that if there is something very wrong you would know it! I had diverticulitis which is a pocket in the intestines that gets infected. There was no doubt that something was wrong. I was in extreme pain worse then labor and had blood in the toilet. What you describe sounds much more like IBS and a hemmoroid.

19-02-09, 20:33
Anal fissures are quite difficult to heal given that they are always being disturbed by bowel motion and are usually in an area that is warm and damp....not the best conditions for healing to take place. If the Dr has said it is a fissure...I'm sure it is and the fact that the blood is red means that it is coming from the end of the intestinal tract (as blood from haemorrhoids does).Please don't worry..it will heal eventually.

26-02-09, 19:14
had to post as for the first time today there was blood in the toilet, just a drop but it was there, god i felt so panicked,after 5 mins or so i just felt the area and there was a drop of fresh blood on my finger, the doctor said i had a external pile aswell as the fissure, could this be that?? anyone ever had this am so worried :(

26-02-09, 19:25
For me, I use metamucil daily to soften my stool and add bulk. I will warn you that you may have some initial ( a week or so) of discomfort along the path of your colon as your colon is getting used to the increased bulk. This has made my life much better. I had trouble with fissures and hemeroids but the extra fiber has helped greatly. Good luck and don't Google.

26-02-09, 19:49
I have piles and fissures and Crohn's disease to add problems to the mix.

My fissures don't get time to heal before I have a bad episode of going to the loo and then they just bleed loads again!

Try and limit the amount of fibre in your diet for a while to see if that helps.

26-02-09, 19:55
Forgot to add that you can get the piles injected if they are really bad as well

26-02-09, 21:26
thanks for the responses, i have been takinf fibogel and lactlose for ages i go once a day at the same time and my stools are mostly soft and well formed just feel so frustrated that this thing wont heal!
am trying to stay calm as twice the doc has given me cream and both times i had no blood for the period of using the cream, after coming off cream within 2 days blood is back :( keep telling myself that cant be just coincidence! also alot of the time the blood is v light pink which i am sure must mean it must be v close to the outside.

26-02-09, 21:31
I know how you feel I promise.

I sat on the loo crying the other day as the fissure had just healed and then I went to the loo again and there was blood.

I am hoping mine heals as well soon.

26-02-09, 21:51
sorry you re having trouble too, what worries me is that i think even when theres no blood for a few days it still hasnt healed as i can just feel it, also altho i def have a sharp sensation when i go sometimes bit itcy aswell im not in agony this makes me paranoid maybe its not a fissure causing ans something more serious :( i have had proctoscope exam and cos i was so worried the doc sent me for some bloods apparently a certain one for bowel cancer which came vack completley normal but i still feel sick with worry .

27-02-09, 15:31
Honestly, you do not have cancer. I had fissures which took a long time to heal but didn't come back eventually. I suffer from piles and they bleed daily. I take Lactulose Syrup, but not the Fibogel as it didn't agree with me. Please try to stop worrying, I know it is hard but really..you have absolutely nothing to worry about there. Hugs XXXX

27-02-09, 19:36
thankyou for that, im going to try really hard to not worry!! xxx

28-02-09, 11:25
I too am suffering with exactly the same thing. I was really worried and this really set off my anxiety so much i had to have my meds upped. Anyway i have an anal fissure and it was caused by eating too many wine gums !! and i passed an unusally large stool (TMI i know) which explains the tearing and razor blade sensation. Anyway doctor gave me some suppositorys but i did not use them, i just took stool softeners and changed my diet to include loads of veg, orange juice etc just to keep this 'soft' whilst the fissure heals. It can take a while, mine was fine for a few weeks and then today it hurt again but not major, so i will make sure i keep a close eye on my diet. I know its easier said than done but try not to worry, it will get better eventually.

28-02-09, 18:01
thanks hun, did it take aslong as mine??ive had this since november!!!only break ive had from bleeding is when i used creams!!

28-02-09, 18:09
It can take a long time. I have had mine since September now as well.

28-02-09, 18:27
its just so frustrating isnt it, even tho majority of the time its feels sore down there and its sharp going to the loo i still have panic striken moments where i think oh god what if all 4 doctors are wrong and its a lot more serious!!:ohmy: :ohmy:

Also do you find that alot of the time the blood is a v v light pink colour??almost like watered down blood but not?well i presume not there has never been any mucous or anything so am hoping its just a sign its very fresh, i mentioned it to the doc and he just looked at me as if to say why are you worrying about that! My very patient husband and mum think its a good sign but i still worry!!:unsure:

01-03-09, 07:33
god i feel awful about this today there was just a load of blood on the tissue when i went to the loo seems to be bo break from it so worried and depressed :weep:

01-03-09, 12:48
You really need to do what I did and go to the doc and say that it is stressing you and can you get it checked out. It may be piles and fissures and if so they can inject the internal piles to help.

Just a thought anyway.

01-03-09, 16:06
I have been to 4 doctors and said how worried and depressed I am they seem convinced its nothing, I have had an examination with a proctoscope he said there were no internal piles, just a fissure and external one and a couple of skin tags that kept getting swollen have run out of doctors in the surgery to go to :weep:

12-12-11, 20:46

Going off what you say,it sounds like Hemmoroids plus IBS .I have both Ibs and Hemmoroids too.I sometimes have spots of blood on the toilet paper,I have read if the blood is bright red it is ususally nothing to worry over. Like has been mentioned, as women we have to wipe ourselves each time we go,and I too have the belief the friction of wiping can cause friction and the spotting to occur.
I hope this is of some help for you ...
Take Care