View Full Version : My First Panic Attack

19-07-05, 19:41
Hi everyone,

Todays not been to good for me. As you know im moving on monday so yesterdy I was busy sorting things out, I had a late nite and also feeling a bit ill. I woke today with back shooting pains in my head which i was a bit worried about, but put it down to tirdness.

Went to my parents for the day so as to get away from all the boxes!! Just after lunch, was still very tired and yucky, so sat on sofa, and just as i dozed off the doorbell went. It woke me with a start and i woke feeling as tho i coldnt breath. This has happend a lot lately, waking feeling as though i cant breath or that im choking. I tried to ignore it but it wasnt going and i got totally panicky, like ive never been before.

Luckily my parnets were with me, but i just felt as tho i couldnt breath and that i was gonna pass out i was in tears and begging them to get me an ambulance as i thought i was gonna die and i was as white as a ghost. - i think i was associating this with the head pains id had earlier so it made me even worse. My parnets could c it was a panc attack, even tho ive never ever had one like this, and they did everuything to calm me ...my brother was also there & he's done first aid course, and he stays so calm, that he was able to help loads, After about 30 mins I still had the feeling that i was gonna die. Its like nothing ive ever felt before and it was the scariest moment of my life. I then ended up laying done with my legs slightly raised for ages and drinking loads of fluids....after 2 hours from the start, i was feeling slightly more 'normal'.

I am now feeling emotionally, physically and mentally drained.

I think the late nights, stress of moving, plus i think ive got a bit of a bug, has all finally taken its toll and i suppose this is my bodies way of telling me to slow down?

Ive never had an attack like this - I never thought i would. I now have the fear inside me that it will happen again, but as my bro says, everything happens for a reason - I didnt die today! A panic attack WONT kill me...I got through it, and so therefore I guess if it does happen again, i know what to do.

Still feeling very tight chested & very aware of my breathing, but i have an early nite planned...i just hope i dont wake up before i am properly asleep in a panic.

In a way it has made me realise that although I have problems with anxiety & depression which have changed my life, I AM fortunate not to have these attacks everyday.

Can i ask...as ive had one, does it mean im more likly to have them or could it be a one off?

Im very very sorry at how long this post is. Any inupt really would be appreciated.

Tatty B xx

19-07-05, 19:50
Hi Tatty

You are going through a stressful time with moving and it is quite normal to experience what you are feeling. I know that is no consolation to how you feel hun, but you have a lot of pressure at the moment.

I will give you a text later to see how you are feeling.

Take care, i am here if you want to talk.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

19-07-05, 20:03
Thanks Sal,

Im feeling so drained at the moment but i suppose that I will feel like that after going through what i did.

Im trying not to let it beat me and will try not to focus on it too much.

Tatty B xx

19-07-05, 20:10

Sorry you had such an awful day. I know how it takes it out on you as well when it happens.

It could well be the build up of emotions about moving etc as it is bound to be worrying you.

Be kind to yourself tonight - a relaxing bath and like you said an early night and try not to dwell on today too much.

As for how long the post is well it doesn't matter. You can make it as long as you like - no restriction.

Sending you a hug and hope you feel a bit better tomorrow.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

19-07-05, 20:14
Thanks Nic :)

The worst thing is now me focusing too much on my breathing and worrying everytime im getting a bit short breathed...hopfull tho after a good nites sleep...a lovely bath and some postiv thinking, I wil wake up feeling better tomorrow!

Ive borrowed loads of DVDs off my bro so I plan to just compleatly veg out for tomorrow. My bro works 2 mins from where i live so i know i can always give him a call if need be, which puts my mind at rest a bit.

Thanks for your support, it really is apprecited.

Tatty B xx

19-07-05, 20:25
Tatty ,

Keep control of your breathing and keeping happy and thats more than half the battle .

Sleep long and deeply.. you need to recharge

How Do You Do The Breathing (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4042)
Breathing.. wow (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4037)
Breathing Techniques (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4044)

We're not far either.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

19-07-05, 20:43
Thanks Meg,

Been pretty scary today but I wont let it beat me...thansk for posting the links.

Just trying to rationalise it in my brain that it WAS just a panic attack, ive had a few nose bleeds latly which is starnge for me, so im just putting that down to stress?

Thanks for all your support, its great knowing if i need any reassurance you guys are always here, it really does help.

Tatty B xx

19-07-05, 21:34
Hi Tatty

So sorry youve had a bad day hun....moving is one of the most stressful things you can do....tommorow wil be a better day after your lovley early night, sending you a huge hug hunny. XKX

19-07-05, 23:27

I understand how you feel but remember how much you support all of us when we need it.

You are not alone and we will all support you however we can.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

19-07-05, 23:50
Hi Tatty B,

So sorry you had such a bad day hun. All that preasure hun all builds up as you say. Then are bodies just decide to go bang and throw it all back out big time. You got through it though hun and realised what was happening in the end so well done to you!

You are doing all the right things now though. Keep calm and chill for a bit give your body time to recouperate. It's quite natural to feel pretty crap after!

Hope you feel better soon,

Take care,;)

Love PIP'S X X

19-07-05, 23:57
Tatty we are all here for you so dont forget that hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

20-07-05, 10:35
Thanks Kirsty, Meg Sal & Pips.

I was asleep before 10..normally im not asleep before 12 lately, and akthough I did wake up quite a bit, I did get a lot of sleep.

Today im feeling really low. Im very tight chested & so worried that it will happen again, i dont wanna live my life feeling like this everyday, I keep thinking that it wanst just a panic attack as i feel quite ill now and tight chested.

Ive only just got up also and im also off my food...which for me is VERY starnge, although i suppose if i have a bit of bug, then i will feel like this...I was just hoping to wake up today and feel 'ok' again.

Tatty B xx

20-07-05, 10:49
Hi Tattyb

Sorry to hear yoy are not feeling too well today, I am sure it's all to do witj anxiety as you have a lot on your plate at the moment. When my anxiety was acute I found it very hard to eat too, as I also love my food!!!
When I have had a bad attack it can take days to feel better, so I am sure given time you will start to feel better.
Have you tried listening to any relaxation CD's, they helped me enormously.
Here if you want to talk.

Take care

Elaine x

20-07-05, 10:57
Thanks Elaine,

I do have a relaxation cd...but ooops...Ive packed it[:I][Duh!]

Ive just eaten a bit of toast and am trying to focus on other things so im not compleatly focusing on my breathing etc.

Still in my PJ's, got the douvet downstairs and some dvd's to watch so im well and truly going to try and veg today!

My throat feels weird though, it keeps tightening and like cramping, but i suppose that will be the anxiety?

Sorry about all the questions, i suffer the depression & anxiety daily, but this is my first panic attack so just wanna get it all clear in my head.

Thanks for your support

Tatty B xx

20-07-05, 11:07
Hi Tatty B

The feelings in your throat are a very classic symptom of anxiety, and I have had it on numerous occassion.
As for the breathing, try some deep diaphragmatic breathing, always works for me.
Even though you want to chill out today, it might make you feel better if you get dressed, just a suggestion.
Glad you have managed to eat something as it's quite important to maintain your blood sugar levels especially when you are feeling quite anxious.
Don't apologise for asking questions, that is why we are all here to help each other, I have suffered with anxiety for over 12 months and can honestly say I have only had 2 panic attacks, always in Sainsbury's.

WE are here for you

Take care

Elaine x

20-07-05, 11:12
Thanks Elaine,

I see what your saying about getting dressed, as i can still chill but feel normal as well..we as normal as i can!

Ive had the depression / anxiety for 9 months now and this is my frst PA and it was at my parnets, i think thats the thing which scared me the most - it can happen ANYWHERE.

But Im trying to hold onto the fact that I did get through it and even tho i didnt think i was breathing..i obviousy was as im still here now!

I supose im just a bit shocked by it all but am tryin to accept it and move on, as i really do want to enjoy our move on monday [8D]

Thanks for your help elaine, it really does mean a lot.

Im going to have a bath now and then watch some dvds.

Thanks everyone for our support, it really has helped. :)

Tatty B xx

20-07-05, 11:20
It's a pleasure chuck, it's always nice to know someone is there when you are feeling down, especially someone who understands how you feel. I used to live for this site and the support I received when my anxiety was acute so it's nice to give something back in return.
My anxiety hasn't gone fully and I would say that I feel 98% better mentally but I still get lots of symptoms but with positive thinking things are getting better as they will do for you.
Moving house is one of the most stressful things that we encounter, so under the circumstances I think you are doing really well.

Take care

Elaine x

20-07-05, 12:19
Thanks Elaine :D

Ive done as I said, just had a bath & have got dressed, has helped to make me feela bit better, although still short of breath.

I filled the sink in the b'room up with warm water & put some vapor rub in it so the room didnt get stuffy & iit helped clear my airways!

At least im not scared to move incase it happens again, im just being careful and taking it easily.

Thanks soo much for your support it has meant a lot [:X] xx

Tatty B xx

20-07-05, 14:48

Yes, panics can come anywhere you are as they come from within you not from an external source ..You are in control of them.

Lets try to keep our thoughts in perspective (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=283)
Mind Games (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1789)
obsessive thoughts & anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3096)
Still suffering this damn "suggestive" thing.. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4288)

Glad today is easier

Yes the throat is typical anxiety
MORE HORRID SYMPTOMS!!!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1957)

Take care - eat well .


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

20-07-05, 15:11
Thanks Meg,

Generally feeling better as the day goes on, which is good.

Ive managed to eat toast and some soup today and have listened to my body and just rested instead of getting n with stuff which could wait for another day.

Tatty B xx

20-07-05, 16:36
Glad you're doing a little better Tatty :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

20-07-05, 18:20
Thanks Sarah,

Still feel a little wobbly, but resting up but also doin a bit at the same time as its worse if i just sit and focus on it!! I dont want to have another one, but im sure if i keep thinking bout it i have a higher chance of having another one, so im trying to focus on other tings and put it behind me :D

Tatty B xx

20-07-05, 18:23
keep focused and everyday you will feel better

keep your chin up we are all here for you

xx Lesley xx

20-07-05, 23:53

You will get through this hun. You need a lot of support at the moment and we are all here for you like you have being for us.

Anything i can do to help you know you just have to ask. I will try and text you again but like last night my phone comes up with contact the service provider, but will try hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

21-07-05, 08:50
Thanks Sal & Leslie.

Had a pretty horrible evening, was feeling very low and in tears, think im stil lgeting through the shock of it all.

Managed to get a lot of sleep and not feeling as down today which is good!

Still feeling ill tho, chest pains when i breath , a cough and tigh chested, i think i may have a chest infection or cold as its done thr rounds in my family the last 2 weeks!

I'll c how I am tomorrow and mite go to docs to see if they can give me some anti biotics.

Was gonna go to my parents today but they're looking after my 3 year old nephew today and i think it will tire me out to much! So im staying home today to rest up again & get over this.

Tatty B xx

21-07-05, 10:01
I have had two really good days tatty and woke up this morning feelin sick and like I was going to pass out (which is why i get my attcks) but i thought i would post on here and from clicking the relpy button i am going to get on with my everyday stuff! and take my tablet which I havent done yet.

We all have good and bad days and that includeds people who dont suffer from these attacks!

But remeber you are not alone! chin up love we all care!

xx lesley xx

21-07-05, 11:38
im sorry u had such a rotten day but its all down to stress and moving i hope u feel better and just try and breath through them easly.

all the best.

21-07-05, 11:46
Thanks Taylor & Leslie :)

Tatty B xx

21-07-05, 15:41
Its been 2 days sinch my attack but I feel like ive never felt before.
I have bad chest pains, shortness of breath, when i breath it feels like its not going in , and its really scary.

What if it wasnt a panc attack? is it normal to feel this way after 2 days??

I fear it happening again and i dont wanna live like that.

Sorry for all the questions i just need some reassurenace.

Tatty B xx

21-07-05, 17:55
Hi tatty B

I am sure you had a panic attack the other day, as for your symptoms today could be a mix of anxiety and the start of a cold or chest infection. If you feel no better tomorrow perhaps a trip to the doc's might just put you at ease.
The longer it goes without another attack the better you will feel.

Take care

Elaine x

21-07-05, 23:50
Hi Tatty

Got your text and know you are off line until you move but i thought i would send you a message for when you get sorted. Hope the move went smoothly and you are okay.

Being thinking of you mate.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

22-07-05, 09:22
Thanks Lainy & Sal..

Thanks for your text sal - it now seems that our internet is working today! But I think its the last day today.

Thanks for your support, Still not feeling at all well today think i have a temp and am bunged up and chesty with a cough :(

So its just lots of rest for me at the mo.

Thanks for all your support guys :)

Tatty B xx

22-07-05, 17:09
Hi Tatty

Best of luck for Monday and text me if you need anything.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

22-07-05, 18:33
hi tattyb,

so so sorry you had a horrid panic attack. on the occasions I've had real biggies ie going to casualty! it has taken me easily a few days to get over it.
And the move has almost definately been the straw that broke the camels back. I moved in Feb and this really pushed me over the edge so it is much more stressful than you think. But soon you will be in your new house that will bring lots of happy times.. and hopefully more days in front of the tv watching sloshy rom coms!! you need to rest up a bit..
as for the PA's.. they are so horrible when you are going thru them, but you did just that - you got thru it! you won. So try to think, 'so bl**dy what if I have another one' - I CAN deal with it. and you know you can because you did..
take it easy honey,

"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

24-07-05, 09:19
Hi Tattybear.

This is the 1st chance I've had to get on the computer for the last couple of days.

I know you will pick this up later!

The last couple of days have been awful for you. After having an attack like you did will take quite a while to get over, but, reading your posts you are dealing with ok honey.

I really hope your move goes well 2moro. Will be thinking off you all day and will send out all the positive thoughts that I can.
Keep us lot posted on how you are doing.
Take care honey

with good wishes


02-08-05, 09:27
Hi everyone!

Well the move went well - i hardly slept the nite before cos i was so excited and in the morning I did have a PA but not as bad as last time and i managed to get over it and deal with it , i still felt yuck the whole day but managed to get stuck in and enjoy the move.

Thanks for all your support - we've only just got our PC and internet hooked up today so this is the first chance ive had to come online! I was having major with drawl symptoms! hehe

Tatty B xx

02-08-05, 13:22
Welcome back Tatty ,

Glad the move all went so well.

Your panic was probably mainly anticipation and excitement provoked .. Over now and onwards


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

02-08-05, 18:59
Glad the move went well and you are now settled in Tatty.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

02-08-05, 19:06
Thanks Karen & Meg,

Im glad its all done & we're all settled in now :D

Tatty B xx

02-08-05, 23:39

You have gone through this really well and even from your texts i could see how well you were coping.

I am so proud of you and wish you the best of luck in your new home and can see how happy you are.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

03-08-05, 09:50
Thanks Sal, and thnx for being there when I text you :)

Ive just had a dining table & chair set delivered from Argos so its all flat pack...Im in the process of putting it together...yes by myself!!...as a surprise for my fiance, i think he'll be shocked that i can do it! hehe . 3 chairs done so far...one chair & Table left!

Tatty B xx

03-08-05, 13:34
Hey great !!

Now thats a distraction I hadn't thought to recommend before ..lol


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

03-08-05, 14:54
Lol meg...me either! But it kept me busy for a while! and i actually enjoyed it!

Tatty B xx

05-08-05, 08:31
Hi Tatty B

Glad the move went well and that you are feeling better, flatpacks are a brilliant distraction. Perhaps some of us could make a hobby of it, lol!!!

Take care

Elaine x