View Full Version : citalopram and headaches

19-02-09, 15:27
Hi all, I am a new member to the site and I too have found the forum really helpful. I've been on 20mg for just under 4 weeks and not feeling too bad although I seem to constantly have a headache throughout the whole day - has anyone else experienced this, would i still be adjusting?, thanks

19-02-09, 15:56
Hi tom ,yes it is common to get headaches on these.When the dose settles ,they usually go. all the best sue

20-02-09, 22:20
Hi Sue, thanks for ur post, just one more question? When I have these bad headaches they tend to get me down and I end up thinking about them all day, its a silly question but is this the worst thing to do? Should I just accept its a headache nothing more?

thanks all appreciate it

20-02-09, 22:22
Just accept it and have large amounts of Paracetamol on hand Tom! Don't use Asprin or Ibuprofen

23-02-09, 18:12
Bob is there a reason you wouldn't take the Ibuprofen???
Had H/aches as well...but feels like tension in neck and shoulders and
have taken Paracetamol for it...But thought the Ibuprofen was better for
muscular aches /pains etc...

23-02-09, 18:21
Ibuprofen & Asprin react badly with Citalopram apparently

23-02-09, 18:40
Tiger Balm is meant to be good for tension heads ,rubbed on the temples.I get really bad heads when i get them , and always take co.codamol,as they work better for me .It depends whether you can take codein thou. sue

23-02-09, 19:48
As somebody who has IIH and has had a headache everyday for 16 months I`m worried about taking these tablets.
I take Diamox to control the pressure and reduce headaches and they do a pretty good job of numbing the pain, but I have been given Citalopram as the illness has got me rather down and depressed lately,but if it gives you all bad headaches why the heck has my GP prescribed them?

Oh and I`d be careful about codeine it actually gives you rebound headaches and can get addictive, much better to stick to paracetamol for headaches.

23-02-09, 20:13
The headaches usually go when the dose gets in your system,as for the Doc perscribing them to you,i expect hes looking at the bigger picture,you may not get increased headaches ,and if you do they will diminish.A lot of medication gives you something else to contend with, lets face it. Paracetamol on its own does absolutely nothing for me ,where as two codeine ,gets rid of it.As you rightfully say they can be addictive ,but if you take them ,they should be taken as sparingly as possible,not the max dose every day continuously.My pharmacist said its ok to take aspirin and ibuprofen with food for a max of 3 days with citalopram,the problems with taking these has to do with poss bleeding in the stomach, that could affect certain people. This is somewhat rare tho! All the best sue

26-02-09, 22:16
why not ibuprofen as i have them as got a dodgy knee and hip..

27-02-09, 14:30
Is it right you cant take ibuprofen when on these??

I just took 2!:scared15:

I also didnt get a leaflet with mine, is there anything else i shouldnt take when on them??

Worried now!