View Full Version : i feel really crap (advice please)!!

19-02-09, 20:14
hey, i feel really crap today for many reasons really, i hope i don't bore you but i really need to get it out and hope you have some support and advice for me.

firstly i have a headache today which is round my eye, my headaches have been better recently but now i'm freaking out it might be serious again.

also i don't have many friends or a boyfriend even though im 22 years old, in fact i've never had a boyfriend which is really sad i know. i'm worried i never will coz i hardly ever talk as im so shy and i wanna start uni in sept if i get in and i dont know how i will cope with the changes.

also...my sister passed her driving test this week even though she's been learning less than a year and i still havn't passed and i have been learning 3 years. i have failed my test twice and i've had three tests cancelled. i feel so jealous and upset that im not normal and it takes me so long to get things. i feel like an embarrassment and a fool.

my life is a joke.

please help me, any advice? i would really appreciate it.

Please reply
Love Louise XXX

20-02-09, 02:16
Hi Louise,
Just wanted to send you a :bighug1:I think we all have times where it seems so many things are going on. The headaches could be stress related?


20-02-09, 04:11
Hey.Its not sad to not have a boyfriend.Its not written in stone that you have to have one.Being shy is no big deal either.In fact a lot of men like shy women.As for the driving test.We all know people who had a few attempts.So ,hey.Your life is not a joke at all.

20-02-09, 12:58
Your life is not a joke!

You sound like a lovely person, someone who cares - I find that and shyness in a woman very very appealing, but you no doubt find it hard to meet blokes if your shy.

I find it very hard to meet girls, as im incredibly shy. There is someone out there for us all, we are just at one end of the personality spectrum.

It takes all different people different amount of time to do things like pass a driving test, sometimes its just down to the teacher....have you ever thought about getting a new instructor to help see your performance from a fresh pair of eyes?

Good luck x

20-02-09, 13:09
hey louise just read your post

wanted to give u a hug to say it will all work out in the end as my mum keeps telling me whats for u will not go past you. never actually got that saying till now.

take care and hope all works out

Jay xx