View Full Version : Back/Shoulder/Arm pain

19-02-09, 21:29
Hello everyone,

I've had a really bad week with PAs three days in a row. I ended up at the doctors and he reassured me that there was nothing wrong with my heart e.t.c... Today I have not had a PA and feel less anxious but have a really bad pain in the centre of my back, between the shoulder blades and it has started shooting down my arms. I think it's because I've been really tense but it has really scared me and doesn't seem to be easing. Has anyone else experienced this?



19-02-09, 22:21
Dont worry ,i get this frequently,the pain is caused by tension and causes refered pain in the arms.I usually take cocodamol and use a heat pad,which relaxes the muscles.You can also use a hot water bottle.But i do recommend a wheaty pad you heat in the microwave for 2-3 mins.Try a nice soak in the bath first! a good way to start relaxing,with some lavender oil. luv suzy

19-02-09, 22:36
Thanks for that, I've got a wheat bag I'll try that and hope in the morning it's eased.