View Full Version : Health anxity sorry its long x

20-02-09, 05:28
Hello all. My name is Cheskia and i suffer health anxity. I get the slightest think wrong with me and i think im going to die. I have always had panic attacks about dying ever since i remember, i am 18 now. But as i got older it is not just dying. I get a headache i think its a brain tumor, i get a pain in my chest, its got to be a heart attack. . . Im only 18! Once i got my boyfriend to take me to hospital at 3.30 in the mourning because i thort i was having a heart attack. . . It was heartburn! The thing is, all these pains i get i genually think they are serious and that i am going to die, people think im being silly and dramatic but they dont relise that i really believe sometimi awful is happening to me and i think im going to die and i go into panick. I came across this site and had to join its comforting than im not the only person that suffers. I always feel so alone because no one else unerrtands and thinks im just being silly, but it is a problem for me and i usually have to suffer my panic and anxity alone, but this site helps me Feel less alone and more comforted. Sorry i have gone on so long and thank you for reading. Love Cheskia x x x

20-02-09, 05:54
I feel the same way, a lot of people don't understand the disorder. They think we can snap out of it at anytime and go about our usual business. I feel like I'm on an island with thousands of miles of water seperating me from the next nearest land mass.

Talking about it is the first step...glad you're here.

20-02-09, 08:08
Hi Cheskia,

A lot of us here understand how your feeling, it's really hard at times as it's like so much in this world until it really happens to you, you cant fully understand it. Health anxiety is where we get an actual pain/ symptom and blow it way out of proportion or automatically assume its serious and we only have a few weeks , months to live. It's different from hypochondria where you don't have actual pain or you imagine it, that's where so many people get confused , i've even found this to be true of a few doctors.
Anyway you're in the right place now and you know what it can get better, i don't think i'll ever be completely free of it but i have learned to be a bit more objective ........well at times!! So hopefully we can help you through the worst and just remember your not alone in this , take care xx

20-02-09, 08:13

I'm the same, I have suffered with these symtoms for 9 years, which has been a rollercoaster of a ride. I would love to snap out of it but it's hard and I'm still trying. Also, remember your not alone, people on here will always talk if people are feeling low etc.


20-02-09, 09:59
hi i really no how you are feeling i also suffer like you and have all the symtoms my family tell me they are sick of listening to me and that i am mad its all in my head if only it was as easy as that i think we have found a good place that will help us and we no we are not alone other people suffer like us to

21-02-09, 02:31
thank you, saying about feeling the pain, sometimes i feel aches and pains sometimes i dont, but when i feel a pain the more i panick that its something serious thats going to kill me, it feels worse, that sort of proves its all in my head, but the hardest pat is trying as i may to get it into my head that nothing is wrong with me