View Full Version : I just cant stop worrying

20-02-09, 09:24
I've been having problems with ear infections (otitis externa) for 3 months now, my left ear carried on with it for about 2 months and my right ear at the moment still has it. But ever since it all started its bought tinnitus along with it, the doctors keep saying it'l go eventually but im just soo scared It wont. Its driving me actually insane. I cant seem to just block it out and immediately think i've got something ridiculous like a tumour or something really bad. I made the mistake of googling when it all started :lac:
Last time I was at the doctors she said my left ear had cleared up, but I still have the tinnitus! I'm only 18, and they've said I'd have to be really unlucky to have it forever, especially seen as its only been from infections and nothing noise induced and its unlikely i've got any inner ear damage! Also when i'm yawning or swallowing I get this like clicking snapping noise in my ears, I dont no if i'm congested of something but i've been feeling quite run down.
I'm just so convinced its never going to go, its been ringing in 1 ear nearly 3 months now :weep: Im fed up of obsessing over it!

20-02-09, 09:37
Hi April,
There's a lot of ear infections/sinus bugs going around at present and with ear infections you do get the tinnitus and it can cause you to feel 'run down'.
If your ears are okay to take headphones, try playing some music quitely, that has helped me take my mind of the tinnitus. Your ear trouble should clear up soon, if not go back and chat with with your doc.
Hope you feel better soon


20-02-09, 10:01
Thanks mick :)
Do you have tinnitus at the moment too then? :unsure:

20-02-09, 10:19
Yep April,
Drives me mad sometimes. I've had it since this ear infection that I picked up this winter. I've had ear drops but they don't stop the tinnitus.
The doctor told me it will go away too, doesn't help much knowing that, but at least it's reasurring it's nothing too serious. it's all connected with the flu/sinus/ear problem thing. Can't wait for it to go and spring to start :D

20-02-09, 10:23
Oh no im sorry you have it too :( Can I just ask what kind of infection you had? How long has yours been going on? I'm glad theres somebody in the same boat as me. Its driving me crazy! Is yours constant? xxx

20-02-09, 10:30
Started this winter April.
It tends to come and go but at the moment it's bad. It's like have a badly tuned in radio in your ear :scared15:
The doc said It came about after a bout of flu, apparently it's quite common for that to happen. I get the fuzzy headness with it too, which doesn't help when I'm trying to work.

20-02-09, 10:31
Just to add, if my boss is reading this..... I'm working really hard at the moment honest :yesyes:

20-02-09, 10:40

Mine started this winter too. The ringing didnt really bother me over christmas but the past few weeks its driving me insane and I just wont stop worrying about it. Does your doctor have any idea how long its going to take for yours to go?

20-02-09, 10:44
He said it should go when the ear infection clears up. He couldn't say when, just that the infection will eventually clear up. He also said he had seen a lot of similar problems this year, much more than previous years. It does drive you mad. I try and keep my mp3 player going to dull the sound, but it's when you sit quiet you seem to notice it more

20-02-09, 11:08
Hi! i have a permanent tinnitus in my left ear from some nasty bouts of my ear drum rupturing when i was little (From repeat otitis media which affects ear drum), however its worse at the moment as i have an inner ear infection after having the flu type bug, so i notice it all the time....and my ears constantly pop/crack at the moment due to congestion:weep:.

As you say you have otitis externa which affects the part of the ear before the ear drum, its unpleasent but its unlikely its going to be a long term thing. I will say however that i only notice my tinnitus at night generally nowadays and it doesnt bother me at all, the brain tends to reprogram itself to ignore it over the long term...so even if it lingers for a while its not the worse thing in the world:) Just keep yourself busy and you should start to notice it less x

20-02-09, 18:32
Thanks for the replies :) I'm sorry your both dealing with it too!