View Full Version : Constant Cancer Fear

20-02-09, 13:02
I cant seem to switch off from the fear of being diagnosed with the C word.

Fairly recently I was told I had acid reflux, I have been having and still do constant pain between my shoulders, more painful sometimes when I eat.

Then over christmas Ive had issues with some liver tests where my GGT levels where coming out at 130, so Ive not had a single drink since new year :(

And now all my neck feels swollen, it feels like my glands are up but it dont look like it, my throat really hurts inside down one side, im convinced my arm pits feel tender, then last night convinced myself i had a swelling just above my collar bone. The doctor says I dont have lymphoma, but a virus which at the moment is doing the rounds, and said it would take 3-4 weeks to get rid of it.

Although the doctor was really understanding, I felt slightly brushed off, no tests no nothing. The swelling and pain isnt subsiding so now that is really worrying me.

Is there a virus at the moment doing the rounds? I dunno, alot of people at work seem to be ill at the moment, but saying that they have been ill since early december.

Just felt like i had to let it out someway because to be fair I think my partner is getting a bit bored of hearing about my health symptoms.


20-02-09, 13:22
Hi Doc :)

Just wanted to answer your question about the virus..yes, it's doing the rounds and I have got it at the moment.
I also had the virus that was going around in Nov/Dec and it totally floored me, I was very unwell with it (I'm quite severly asthmatic and it caused a bad chest infection).
It did clear up eventually after about 4-5 weeks but I''m sure that my immune system took a clobbering as I have now got the throat virus.
It came on quickly, pain on swallowing, headache, pain around the shoulders and the top of the chest, achy everywhere else.
I don't suffer from HA but reading the posts here, I can see how worrying this would be for you. reassure yourself that it is a virus, a nasty one that makes you feel really rough and nothing more than that.
This is the first day since Monday I have felt even remotely better, at least I'm able to eat something more than a bowl of soup..:winks:

It will go, just give it some time. Do the usual stuff, painkillers (if you can take them), plenty to drink and try using a humidifier if you have central heating, it seems to make things worse when the air is dry.

20-02-09, 13:24

I feel for you because i think most people are scared of the C word, I worry all the time especially after losing my dad with it last may.

BUT to hopefully put your mind at rest there IS a virus doing the rounds, my mum had it under armpits as well etc and it did last 2 or 3 weeks before she began to feel better.

Put a little trust in your doc because if he thought it at all serious he would soon do something about it.

Hope you feel better soon

20-02-09, 13:28
Ahh cheers for that, didnt think about a humidifier, I have excema, and its never been so up as it is at the moment. Am itching like mad, and im trying hard not to combine symptoms, ie itching, lymph, pain etc, when you start to google all your symptoms you kinda end up having everything, well anything that catches your eye.

Thing is im scratching in my sleep, which Im wondering is a sign of stress, im having to wear cotton gloves which is kinda telling my brain when im asleep not to scratch and Im finding it works, until i forget to put them on.
Also i have a really aching, warm body, very tired, (bit blurred) vision. Like I feel absolutely knackered.