View Full Version : Worried sick...

20-02-09, 16:41
Hi All
I do hope there is someone who can help me...
I started with Panic attacks about 6 months ago after suffering with anxiety and not knowing what was wrong for ages. After various problems which I believe triggered this lot, I decided to have my old breast implants replaced as they were not looking great after 15 years. Booked and organised then a week before op got pain when breathing in, so saw Doc who sent me for xray. Heard nothing but felt fine so went ahead with op. Thank goodness as one old implant had ruptured! Had them removed and replaced with lovely results!
Problem is, I then got a call from Doc to say xray was weird so had another, side view. Result came back ok but wanted another front view, which came back weird again.
Panic stations, although my Doc said she felt all was ok but referred me anyway to be sure. Waited ages for that appointment and got totally worked up. They sent me for yet another xray and bloods. I have to now have ct scan on Tuesday and am beside myself with worry.
I havn't heard anything about bloods, but had a batch done about 6 months ago and all was ok.
It appears that my lung is clear and surely after breast surgery the surgeon would have spotted anything faulty?
I had op in late November last year. Could the mark be scar tissue or something like that?
I am so scared and cannot think about anything else and cannot manage without Diazapam at the moment.
I hope someone may shedsome light...I have searched this site and no-one seems to have anything similar.
Otherwise what a wonderful site....so many good tips to handling the panic...
Thanks Guys.
Pegs X

tanya 1
20-02-09, 17:21
hi peggys its understandable to feel panicky at a stressfull time like this,but im sorry i dont know anything about breast inplants,hope you find out the info that you need to know
take care
tanya 1

23-02-09, 14:16
Thank you Tanya, for your concern.
I'm hoping someone may respond. I'm also hoping it's just some old silicone or something. The worrying makes me feel physically ill.
Pegs X

23-02-09, 22:25
Hi Peggy, I just did a bit of googling for you (it's allowed if it's for someone else!!) and it seems a ruptured implant CAN cause a 'misleading' chest x-ray. So I'm sure that is what it is. Also breast implants can cause some pretty course calcification, which - i'm guessing - could show up on an X-ray. Please try not to worry too much (I know, easy to say!) and let us know how you get on!

24-02-09, 01:27
Hi there

I'm new to the forum (and a guy) so perhaps I'm not best placed to comment on breast implants... but...

I do know that worry and anxiety can mimic all sort of horrible things. Trust your docs. and remember that the human body is a pretty hardy creation. And perhaps feel pleased the the results of the op. were so good for you - and if they weren't you might be worrying about that instead!

I'm really glad to have found this place, I'm sure you'll get all the help you need here. For now try some deep breathing and relaxation.




24-02-09, 08:05
Thank you both for your kindness and concern! I have to confess I have googled as well, which made things worse for me, but am hoping for some answers today.
Pegs X

24-02-09, 12:42
Good luck! It also occured to me that if things look OK from the side view, that suggests that whatever it is is flat against your chest wall (in other words has no depth to it and can't be seen from the side), which would also fit with a breast implant related thing..,.,. thinking of you today!

24-02-09, 12:45
P.S Never google yourself - it always makes things worse!!!

24-02-09, 18:52
Thanks JoJo!
I went for scan today and of course was like a gibbering idiot. I was ok though after taking a pill and breathing exercises. Also the staff here are amazing. After doing the chest they did my head (????) as well, they said they may as well to do a good check up. In a way a good thing, but niggling me a bit about WHY.
Now I am going to be living in fear of the post man and telephone!
I am so glad to have found this site...I really don't want to stress my family so keep quite about a lt of my fears...I even have to log in on the sneak!

24-02-09, 20:30
Weird! Are they checking you've got a brain?? haha sorry. Well I hope the wait won't be too awsful for you...... everything WILL be fine. Remember that when you suffer from anxiety the worse case scenario seems sooooo much more likely than it really is.
I know what you mean about having to keep quiet about fears. I do that too. So vent away on here - we all understand the strange workings of highly anxious minds.

24-02-09, 20:35
Thanks, Love.
You're great!
Pegs. X
PS Please excuse bad spelling in previous post..was typing like buggery whilst I had 5 minutes...Ha ha!

26-02-09, 14:16
Hi JoJo
For some reason, my last post did not appear???
Never mind...You have been great, big support. Thank you!

Still have not heard anything, but got letter today so say that they are referring me for ct scan...which I had on Tuesday! There was also a copy of the letter sent to my GP, with lots of info on though nothing new. Not heard about blood tests either, but I don't want to phone....
How long do ct scan results take? Does anyone know? I have an appointment with my Consultant only in 2 weeks.

I am relying on tablets at the moment as every waking moment is obsessed with what could be wrong.

Pegs x

27-02-09, 10:47
I know that feeling - the obsession, I mean. It's so, so hard to think about other things, isn't it. Just keep in mind that the chest x-ray couldn't actually find anything wrong (the side-view was completely normal, remember), and any hazines from the front view will be a breast implant issue. And by the sounds of it, it's not like you've had any terrible symptoms.......... if you were really ill you'd be feeling it.
But whatever I say, the wait will be horrid......... Just hang in there - it WILL be OK!

27-02-09, 14:23
Hi Jojo

Yes, waiting is a nightmare. I have my cell phone tucked between my boobs to make sure I don't miss a call.
My family probably think I have a 'skelm' (a rascal) on the side!
I have read and re-read this damn letter from the Doc and trying very hard to focus only on the positive things. I'm also moving house which is a lovely disraction!
I thought trying out a pilates class would be a good idea...but have given myself aches and pains in places I didn't even know I had. Oh well...at least I can blame that!
I must admit I'm not as anxious today, which feels lovely.
Two weeks is a long time to wait to see the Specialist though. I think I might try and bring that appointment forward. It appears that she thinks the lung is clear, and I'm sure the plastic surgeon would have picked up a problem with my boob, so the shadow can only be in the chest wall. Some ladies are so worried about a bit of leaked silicone, and here I am hoping and praying that thats what it is!

Thanks again for your encouragement...and look after yourself too!

Pegs XX

02-03-09, 20:24
Well, if the shadow is in the chest wall I can't think of anything nasty it could be............ it seems the only two options are scar tissue or leaked silicon...... no biggie. Pilates sounds like a good idea. I've started a meditation course to try and control my anxieties.......... god, I do hope it works!
don't forget to let us know how you get on....... :-)

09-03-09, 19:39
Hi Jojo
Thanks again!
We've moved house and had no internet, and boy, have I missed this site! I have tried to send you a private message..And to Blot, but it's not working. (???)
I have my follow up this week with the specialist, and am terrified, but also have appointement with my plastic surgeon on Wednesday whom I hope will shed some light on this thing.
A good positive was a session of 'Body Talk' which I felt did me the world of good. Definately worth a try!
You have been VERY helpful to me, thank you again! I have read some of your own threads and you have similar worries to me, and it's amazing how you have passed on the support. I quess that's what this site is all about!

Pegs XXX