View Full Version : do u feel your doctors dont listen to you as u have depression

20-02-09, 21:36
today i went back to my doctor after many years, i walked in and i could just sense he couldnt be bothered dealing with me,i even heard a huff at one point and he had his head in his hands,i no doctors have to deal with a lot of depression probably day in day out but is this not what they get paid vast amounts for? why go into a caring professon when u clearly dont give a toss! he then asked me what i was studying at college ,i tell him that im studying nursing,all of a sudden he perked up wanted to listen sat up in his seat,i found it astonishing! what are your views ? thanks x

20-02-09, 23:42
Some doctors just have no manners and some I think shouldn't even be in the job. I've met a few myself and because I was young they thought I was your typical teenager who just wanted some happy pills because they thought they were depressed rather than actually being depressed. Well actually I wasn't, understandably, and I had a lot of issues that were very sensitive and serious to me that needed sorting. The doctors I saw (which were a few) were all ignorant and not one of them took me seriously until I met another doctor later who thankfully gave me the correct treatment. But, it always amazes me how some doctors can judge you before listening to you.

21-02-09, 11:06
I'm probably a lot older than you both. I agree that some doctors are just not interested in depression. Fortunately there are plenty who are. If you are unahappy with your GP go to see another. I am very fortunate that I have built up a relationship with my own GP. The problem arises if you need to see someone in a crisis. I have been prescribed medication that I have been allergic to. If I can I stick to people that I know and trust.