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View Full Version : Different Types of Panic Attack?

20-02-09, 23:31
Hi. I was wondering whether anyone experiences different types of panic attack? Up to now, I have been suffering panic attacks which are triggered by a slight physical symptom which causes me to have catastrophic thoughts and so a panic attack. However today, I was sat a work, actually feeling quite calm at this point, when out of the blue a really overwhelming feeling took over my body. It was really frightening. I am not sure what it was but it was different from the panic attacks I have been having. I felt like a massive release of adreniline taking over my body, but I am not sure if it was? It increased my heart rate for about a minute or so and afterwards I felt physically fine, although worried. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Any thoughts would be most appreciated.

21-02-09, 00:30
I have had this and I think that on some level your mind creates the thought of a physical symptom...even though you don't consciously feel it and then the usual course carries on from there..if that makes sense. anyway it is just another panic attack. take care XXX

Forrest Gump
21-02-09, 15:20
I've had these too. Mine mostly come gradually building up, but sometimes the panic attacks come out of the blue, surprising me completely.

21-02-09, 16:23
Hi Billy

Yeah this was a common occurance for me, did not matter where I was, I could be calm, happy, enjoying a funny book when bam. out the blue it gets you. I did not have to be feeling worried, or excited or in a public place for these attacks to occur. The Subconscious is a complicated thing, who knows what the hell is going in there when on the surface, we feel and seem totally fine!..

24-02-09, 11:53
Hi. I was wondering whether anyone experiences different types of panic attack? Up to now, I have been suffering panic attacks which are triggered by a slight physical symptom which causes me to have catastrophic thoughts and so a panic attack. However today, I was sat a work, actually feeling quite calm at this point, when out of the blue a really overwhelming feeling took over my body. It was really frightening. I am not sure what it was but it was different from the panic attacks I have been having. I felt like a massive release of adreniline taking over my body, but I am not sure if it was? It increased my heart rate for about a minute or so and afterwards I felt physically fine, although worried. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Any thoughts would be most appreciated.

I just had exactly the same thing and was looking to see whether anyone else had experienced before posting a new thread. Your symptons sound so like mine. Any twinge, which is usually in my chest, and I think I am going to die. Was just on my computer and my whole chest had like tiny bubbles bubbling around. Heart dead quick. Stopped after a short while. Telling myself it is panic but then my mind says what if something else???? I am so tired of this