View Full Version : Hello.

20-02-09, 23:58
Hello everybody. I have just joined because my anxiety is at times out of controll.
On Monday I was helping a friend do some carpentry and he is very difficult to work with even though we get on well socially.When i got home I had a panic attack. This is my second one, the first being a year ago.
I had to call an ambulance and they talked me out of it and i felt ok. Since then i have been having bad anxiety everyday for four days.
I have had acupuncture everyday since and one session of reflexology. I feel that it is working slowly but I just want this feeling of anxiety to go away.
I feel that my anxiety is free floating and I dont have any particular reasons why I feel like I do. Ok I havent worked for a few months because the construction industry is in free fall here in suffolk but I dont feel I,m worrying about it. Its just a fact of life that sometimes people loose their jobs in a resession. I will try anything to get rid of this horrible feeling But I wont take tablets that the doctor will give me because they are benzodiazepines and addictive. Does anyone have experience of ridding anxiety with acupunture?
Thanks and love to you all. jd46

21-02-09, 05:03
Hi JD,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you feel and you will get support. I myself have never tried acupuncture but was thinking of using it for both my anxiety and pain control. Reflexology did not help me. Let me know how the acupuncture continues to do if you don't mind and again welcome.

Take care,


Veronica H
21-02-09, 11:09
:welcome: JD. Glad you have found us. if you are keen on the self help route then i can recommend a brilliant book called 'self help for your nerves' by Dr Claire Weekes available from the NMP shop and also free downloads to your MP3 of her work also available in the NMP shop. I am about 80% recovered and steadily improving thanks to Dr Weekes and the support from this site.


21-02-09, 11:16
Hello! *waves*

If you're interested in accupuncture can i suggest similar things? I tend to worry alot (and recently due to expensive emergency purchases- worry about money). I like massage and reflexology. Especially on the face, scalp and ears. It feels good and gives you something other than worry to think about =). Also you could read a book? I find that reading a book lets you 'immerse' yourself in the characters worrys instead of your own. It's like that 'fire with fire' expression. You think about the characters stresses rather than your own, if only for a short time. =)
Just some random ideas~


21-02-09, 11:48

Welcome to the site I think you will find lots of good advice and support here. When my anxiety and panic was really bad I went for accupuncture and I have to say it did help to relax me more and gave me more strength and confidence to deal with things. It didn't actually cure me but it was a great help in getting me back on my feet again.

Take care


21-02-09, 13:03
Hi Jd46, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :D

21-02-09, 23:16
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


24-02-09, 15:11
Hi everybody,
Thanks for all your kind words of support.
I am continuing with accupunture almost daily and have reflexology tomorrow. I am doing 30 mins on exercise bike and eating well.
I feel less anxious now than i did a week ago, so something is working.
Love jd:D

25-02-09, 09:30
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx