View Full Version : how do i no there workin?????

paula 86
21-02-09, 12:59
hey guys just wondrin if theres like a time limit with citalopram wen u shud no if there workin or not.......

iv been on them 4 about 8 weeks now maybe a little over, on 2omg now but started with 10 mg 4 bout 3 weeks. at the start they made my anxiety worse than its ever been and i had constant panic attacks.

now im kinda still strugglin with the horrible thoughts n maddness fear alot, i also nstill get a little down sumtimes but the anxirty is the real problem... the panic attacks have stopped n im copin with th thoughts which i have 2 say... THANKS 2 THIS FORUM cuz i believe this has been a huge part of my copin strategy, knowin others r like me. i think i may b expectin 2 much of tyhe tabs though.

i dont feel quiet "NORMAL" yet so was just wondrin if ppl think i shud go up or cahnge tabs even though i dnt want that??????

any advice wud b much appreciated.

21-02-09, 13:57
Hi paula ,its still early days ,i dont think you need to consider changing .your tabs.The extra anxiety and thoughts are just side effects and will pass.You will start to feel better but this takes usually 4-6 weeks after you start a new dose ,sometimes earlier ,side effects usually dissapear as well .All the best sue:hugs:

22-02-09, 19:38
I know - I'm not very good at taking my own advice, and I know what I would say to me, but I just need some reassurance....
Week 5 of Citalopram and while I am (as told by my ace wifey) doing much better, I do get blips of anxiety. No depression left at all, but like today have had anxiety on & off since taking my meds this morning and all the negative thoughts that go with it. Not as bad as a couple of weeks ago but still very uncomfortable. Am I still on course??

22-02-09, 20:40
[quote=Bob47;461116]I know - I'm not very good at taking my own advice, and I know what I would say to me, but I just need some reassurance....

BOB as you say your depression has gone ,youve been going to work ,and for a lot of the time youve managed the anxiety . Id say that was pretty darn good ! Sometimes when the anxiety has been very bad the dose has to be increased ,as higher doses work s better for anxiety . I personally have had to up my dose because the anxiety was not manageable . See what you feel like in another week ,you may feel like you can cope with the anx and thoughs,if not have aword with the Doc about ,either upping your dose a bit ,or a course of CBT . Either way persevere you will get there , Stay positive it really helps . sue:D