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View Full Version : Feel Faint and Constantly worrying

21-02-09, 16:14
hi, iv been on 20mg citalopram for over 5 years, 2 weeks ago i missed 2 days running then took one then skipped another day. I v since started to feel really anxious and have had what the doctor said are panic attacks, he advised me to up my dose to 30mg?? i havnt upped it yet as im not entirely sure its due to them, i wake up in the morning really nervous and then i cant stop thinking about stuff i dwell on ie theres something seriously wrong with me. My head goes all funny and i end up back in bed, iv had a couple of days were iv felt ok then suddenly my head will go funny and il panic?! its really getting me down now, i went to the doctors AGAIN on thursday and had a blood test done for my thyroid wich i get the results for on monday. He gave me 10mg of proponolol wich i havnt taken cos im worried il go dizzy or something or get hooked on them, he said there beta blockers. Just think the doctor is missing something and its affecting my everyday life, wish i could feel normal id do anything!

angel 2
21-02-09, 16:45
Hi Mike.
I am not on any medication it doesn't suit me and to think that you've been on it 5 years wow! I get anxious in the mornings with sickness too. I'm also trying to get my thyroid checked aswell it's like hitting your head up a brick wall with these doctors sometimes. Wouldn't you have thought after all this time that your medication would be working? Perhaps you need to try something different .Hope your tests are ok
Best wishes angel

21-02-09, 20:01
You don't say if you've ever missed tablets before, but I've had similar reactions when I've missed a day on 20mg - usually ok the day after missing the tablet, but then felt anxious for two or three days after that even when I'm taking them again. I'd give it a few more days to see if you stabilize once you're taking them regularly again, as you've had quite a blip there.

21-02-09, 22:11
Get your ear's checked, it may be your balance. or it could be your medication. how faint do you feel? like when i am anxious I feel faint and weak but I am still able to stand up and walk.
also it could just be anxiety, you get nervous which makes you dizzy then you get really anxious which makes you faint, it's like a vicious cycle!