View Full Version : hello I am new today

21-02-09, 18:10
Hello everyone
My name is Leanne and I am 27 years old and have joined today after spending all day reading through the information.
I had my first panic attack in august last year which totally came out of the blue. It was the scariest thing ever. I didn't think I had been feeling anxious but ever since I have been panicing about it happening again.
I know spend very day thinking something bad is going to happen. I have been in and out of the doctors for the last 3 months. I have had loads of blood tests, ECG, referred to a neurologist and everything is normal. However I still can't come to terms with the symptons I experience on a daily basis.

The symptons I have vary:
blurry vision
tight chest
feeling of being out of control
constant fear something bad is going to happen.

I use to think I was quite rational but now everytime I get a sympton I fear the worse and its really taking its toll. Don't like being left on my own and it gets worse at night time.

I find it hard to think the symptons I have are just related to anxiety and have become really bad at self diagnosing every sympton I have. I know now I need to maybe speak with a counseller to try and understand why this happening and how to control these feelings. I just want to be happy again like I use to be rather than being controlled by the voice in my head telling me something bad is going to happen.

Sorry for going on but i'm finding it really helpful to talk about things especially to people who understand.

Hope to hear from you soon

Granny Primark
21-02-09, 18:35
Hi tink and a big welcome to the site.
You will find this site and its members so much help to you.
The members of this site understand what you are going thru. Which in itself is a good thing.
I hope you find the site as much of a help to you as I have.

21-02-09, 19:28
I have had anxiety and agoraphobia for many years and feeling that something bad is going to happen is a classic symptom of anxiety. There are many good counsellors around nowadays to help you through this and regain your life. We were not so lucky many years ago and were put through some bad treatments so take heart things will get better

21-02-09, 19:43
Hi Leanne, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I can so relate to the symptoms that you describe. I have found that reading the posts on here has helped me so much. It is such a relief to know that you're not alone in how you're feeling.

Best wishes :flowers:

21-02-09, 23:11
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


22-02-09, 15:48
It does really help to talk about it. Not sure my boyfriend totally understands so tend to keep how I'm feeling bottled up.
Didn't have a good start to the day, woke up feeling lightheaded. Now even sat down I'm feeling like I am going dizzy.Had a lot trouble with sinus in the past but even now its prob something to do with that all I can think now is something bad is going to happen. Seems to be something different everyday.
Does this ever get better?????

22-02-09, 19:03
Hi Tink, welocome to NMP.

Your story sounds similar to mine. I started having panic attacks around five months ago and since then I have been at the doctors over 20 times, had numerous blood test and ECG's, and up to now they have found nothing physically wrong with me. I too was spending all day every day worrying about my health, and any small physical symptom would set me off into a panic attack. I had all the symptoms you mention plus more, and from what I have learnt, these seem to be common with anxiety and panic attacks.

I think you will find the information on this site really helpful in understanding your anxiety and panic attacks. I am not sure what others think, but once I started to understand that the physical symptoms I have been experiencing where down to anxiety, it really helped me to start control my anxiety, and how to deal with panic attacks. However this does take time.

I understand your frustration about wanting to be normal again. Before I started having panic attacks I used be really into mountain biking, and I would go off riding miles and miles on my own without a worry. Now I am scared about going on my bike at all, even with others, due to anexity and the fear of what might happen.

Anyhow, sorry if I have gone on a bit! But your story sounds similar to mine, and I guess I wanted you to know you are not alone, as you can probally tell by reading other members experiences too. Since I have started understanding the symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks (plus a some CBT sessions and support from friends), things have improved for me, and i am sure they will for you too.

Take it easy, and I hope the information on this site helps you understand a bit more about your anxiety.


25-02-09, 09:44
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

13-03-09, 18:45
I was just wondering if anyone gets 'their' anxiety symptoms even if you don't feel that u r particular anxious then when they come on feels worse. It just feels like a never ending cycle at the minute.
For example, today was sat marking books when my arm started feeling numb and felt dizzy even sat down. it seems to have when not concentrating on other things but not sure of sub consciuosly thinking about it. I then started thinking about it and got worse.
Really think I need reassurance this happens to others too as finding it hard to understand this is as people say 'just' anxiety.
I am having an mri scan done next wk which should hopefully be ok then maybe can start to deal with this better.
My mum is a radiographer and she has booked an mri scan for a woman today who has same symptoms as me and docs have said anxiety. Hearing that still doesn't make me feel any better.

I also seem to be having different symptoms all the time one that has stuck with me from start is the numbness/tingling but lately started developing dizziness!!

does anyone have any good coping strategies?? or any good books to read about all this??

Look forward to hearing from u xxx

13-03-09, 18:48
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice and support on here that helps a lot, there is also a good chatroom, take care xx

13-03-09, 19:18
Hey welcome I just joined today also! I have some of the same symptoms as you I have been on zoloft for bout 5 yrs and it helps but some days are worse than others I think the best therpy is talkin to other people about it. thats my plan nice to have ya!