View Full Version : warm hands and feet

21-02-09, 19:16
I keep getting a sort of surge through my hands and feet like a mild hot flush. I am really scared that this is a sign of diabetes though I don't have a single other symptom of it. I have been on strong antibiotics for a UTI . Could this have caused it? Once when I was on antibiotics my arms and legs itched like mad. i am really freaking out about it and can think of nothing else. Please someone tell me if they have heard of this. Thank you.

22-02-09, 20:36
Nobody ever comments on my threads hardly! Don't know what I am doing wrong but it makes me even more stressed ouy because I am thinking that i have some weird unusual disease. There must be somebody who has experienced similar???:mad:

22-02-09, 21:00
Hi Badger

Could be the medication causing the sensations but then again anxiety can cause just about every symptom going as in the years gone by i have lost count of how many times i have had a infectious disease but im still here:) , and its all been down to anxiety. All that adrenalin pumping around our bodies can cause no end of worry!:weep:

My hands have been bright red this week and when i feel them they are really warm, im sure this is another symptom of anxiety.

I found the following thread for you too hope it helps.....

Hope you feel better soon


23-02-09, 16:04
Thank you Andrea.:)x