View Full Version : medication

22-02-09, 02:38
I know there is a med forum, but I wanted to post this here to let you know there is hope... I have now been on Luvox for 2 weeks. Not sure the name of it in the UK, I am in the states. I am still on a very small dose, but I have TOTALLY noticed a difference. It is the only SSRI that is specifically for OCD, which health anxiety is part of and I am so happy I tried it after a bad time with Celexa. Before, I would freak out about every change on my skin and think I had some horrible infection and would check it constantly, and wash/douse with alcohol and ointment everything all the time. for the past week or so, I notice changes and check them, but not as much and have been VERY good about not putting anything on things and letting them be. I just want to let everyone know that there is hope!!

22-02-09, 10:43
Yep my psychiatrist said meds work wonders for some people... me included

You will see in another 2 weeks you will feel almost normal AGGG what a great thought!!!! xxxx