View Full Version : Worrying for not worrying!

22-02-09, 10:52
I need to ask you if you have the same worries about not worrying that I have.

I worry all the time about each symptom I feel.
A lot of people told me to stop worrying but it's not that easy at all.
Now worrying is and automatic thought that enters into my mind anytime I feel something.

Sometimes it happens that I feel in control of my body and my mind again, so I think, ok, now the only thing I have to do is STOP WORRYING.
So I try.

So Whenever I feel a symptom coming I think that I shouldn't worry, but then I think, 'what if I don't worry about it and I let it go on and when maybe I'll find out that IT IS some bad desease it will be already too late to cure it.'

The fact is that I have a different symptom everyday and they come and go all the time.

This is the reason why I can't stop worrying.

Has any of you having the same thoughts?
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

22-02-09, 11:06
Exactly the same thoughts! You tell yourself it's harmless, but then you convince yourself it's some underlying disease that will get worse if you don't address it now. It's a vicious circle.

22-02-09, 12:47
Here,s a tip for you.Worked for me.When you get a symptom ,pain for example.Say to yourself..i,ll give it three days ,and if its still there i,ll stress about it then.Probably by then you,ll have a new symptom,but just repeat the process.

22-02-09, 13:01
Thats a really good tip Mick! I should really try it!

thanks!:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

22-02-09, 13:04
Hi I have this too

I stop worrying and then think 'but if I'm not on my guard all the time something will be missed and undiagnosed and then I will die and people will say 'gosh, if only she'd been more aware of her body and looked after herself this could have been avoided'....this anxiety is crazy , just writing that has made me laugh and sounds ridiculous!!

I agree with the last poster, what I try to do now is say to myself that if there is anything seriously wrong, my body will surely let me know with a lot of pain or something but until then I will try to accept that I have a healthy body and enjoy it...and if something is really worrying me I will go to the doc and have tests and they will say 'all clear' and I will believe them...yeah right!lol

Its a vicious cycle thats for sure, I have noticed though that the less I worry the less symptoms I have which seems like a good way forward! Now we just all have to learn how the heck to do that :doh:

Jeez I wish I could have been more help!lol