View Full Version : scared about lung cancer

22-02-09, 11:33
5 years ago I had an MRI scan for a sore back (left shoulder area). It came back clear, except for a few worn discs (caused by horseriding a lot in my youth - I am 40 now). It did show up some 'pleural infusions' though, so I then had a chest x-ray which was clear. At least then I didn't worry about my back

Over the last five months I have had three chest infections. During that time I have had a baby and I also have a two year old, so maybe I have been a bit run down. I feel totally healthy now, having just finished a course of antibiotics

I asked doc for a chest x-ray and she agreed (wish I hadn't now). Chest x-ray came back 'clear' and 'reassuring', but doc said it did show some infection on the left lung, which was probably a hangover from my recent chest infection. She said we should repeat the x-ray in 6 weeks time. of course, that made me worry about why she wanted to repeat it. What was she worried about? I asked her, but she said she was sure it would be fine but that we should repeat the chest x-ray to be sure

The doc said that they see plearal infusions and infections on x-rays all the time and that it's nothing to worry about. But I have done the dreaded google and it seems that it can be a sign of cancer!!!! But surely, if I had it for five years I would be feeling ill by now?

I do feel well, have no breathlessness, but am occassionally still clearing my throat and have a bit of green spit

I don't want to spend the next six weeks worrying until I have the next x-ray. My husband is fed up with me being in a constant state of anxiety and I want to enjoy my baby

Please help!

PS - I haven't been on this site for ages and have posted two health worries today - since I had my second child I am in a constant state of worry incase I die and my children are left with no mother. Is this a normal hormonal reaction? I sometimes think I am going mad

22-02-09, 12:37
Hi Brucey..sorry you are having a difficult time. First, I am sure that the pofessionals have looked at a lot of x-rays and would certainly not leave that amount of time before the next if thay were at all worried. They will want to check that everything has cleared up..you have no symptoms of cancer and the green phlegm is a your body's way of getting rid of the infection.
It is a little bit natural to worry when you have a new life to consider, but you should not let it take over...if the feelings worsen see the post natal staff or Dr who can sort it out. Meanwhile..congratulatons and enjoy your lovely family. XXXX

23-02-09, 13:17
Hi there
I totally understand what you are going through..I have similar prob, and posted a thread a few days ago with no response (worried sick...)
I am hoping my weird xray is only some silicone from an old breast implant, but can't stand the waiting game between xrays etc.
I am having a ct scan tomorrow and am really scared. I take hope in the fact that it's taken long between follow ups as surely if something was serious they would hook us back in?
Also I havn't heard anything about blood tests so maybe no news is good news?
I'm sure your sympoms are because of a chest infection, which is very common at the moment.
Take Care!
Peggy X