View Full Version : My story and nightmare of the last 2 years

22-02-09, 15:31
Hi Im Shaun
Basically the last year has been a complete nightmare. The year before I was diagnosed with testicular cancer and had an operation to move it two years ago now. Had the all clear and my family and friends were so happy. A year on after just when christmas finished, my older brother was not feeling himself. He would be stuck in his room and was very abnormal. His neck went to the size of a tennis ball and we were all very concerned. Anyway the doctor checked him over and said he had a cyst. So my brother walked home from the doctors and said he felt absolutely exhausted.

Day after day he was feeling worse and my dad took him to doctors and said he was not right there was something wrong with him.

Eventually after going to school every day at sixth form feeling worried about my bro and what was wrong with him. I came home one night form school and my mum and dad weren't being themselves. They eventually spoke out and said he had acute leukemia. Which was a big shock and just felt so unreal.
So my brother David had to be taken to a ward called Lord North where he had to go through like 10 stages of treatment, including radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Just when I thought nothing else could go wrong when I was having my blood test follow up from the last year. The consultant wanted to have an interview with me because my blood test was not as good as they wanted it to be. I’m not stupid I knew what was going to happen I obviously had problems and was gonna have to be treated.I was right when i spoke with my consultant she said that they found in a CT Scan that it got to my lungs, in my lungs which was classed as secondary.

I took the news so much better than I did when I got told I had the primary. I thought nine weeks of BEP treatment then I can get back to normal with the re-assurance that I had a 95% survival. To be honest I deserved it because I left the lump for months and months thinking it would go away. Me and my brother both bald and weak would get up in the morning have our daily complaint about how s**t things currently were. We would speak about our uncomfortable symptoms. From all the drugs and that.

We would go out to the pond and discuss what we would do when we got better go out for our first drink which we never got around to. We used to think why us, how unlucky both of us being ill at the same time. Every day we would either be moping around the house or getting ready with my mum to take us to have treatment. This persisted for around 3 months for me. After all the agony of staying in and being restricted from all my friends who would go out and have a good time.

While i was in bed feeling like absolute shi**. Before I had treatment I met a girl called Amy who would see how I am doing every day. She was so caring for me. I would get a text every day one in the morning and one in the night asking how I felt. Which was so helpful to my recovery I think as I was very positive most of the time which I definitely think helps you. She was always there and she wanted to get with me unfortunately I tried to push her away because I didn't want to get involved with her at this moment in time.

We spoke about getting together afterwards and she would always be saying I can’t wait till you get better which gave me something to look forward to. As time passed even though I was ill I would go out to see my friends and chill at their houses. Have a laugh and go home.

The time came when I finished my treatment and was stressing about the results of my scan. The phone went and I never felt so nervous. My consultant said it was perfect no sign of anything, apart from a clot in the pelvis which would be cured with warfarin after 6 months. Which was great news. All that had to be done was my brother to get cured.

Things with amy didn’t go so well and because I got dependent on her I started to like her a lot. There was a misunderstanding which caused her not to feel the same way which caused me to be in a right state. Time went past I got over it and started thinking about going to college and taking up I.C.T as a diploma. Now there is a thing called septic shock it is basically when your whole body starts to shut down because of an infection and if not treated with anti-biotics can be devastating and life threatening. My brother had septic shock twice last year and thank god he caught it in time.

There was one day when my brother was awfully quiet and looked in agony, we all let it pass by thinking he was just not feeling good. because you get your good and bad days with treatment. Then later that night, my brother got a temperature and looked really ill. My dad urgently took him up A & E. I went for a swim down the gym and came back home that night. My Mum told me to go and take my brother some clothes because he would probably be staying the night as it was like 10 o clock.

I saw david with laying on a bed with an oxygen mask and the nurses and doctors were taking tests. I gave him the stuff stayed for a little while for a bit of support while he was waiting. I told me brother I’ll she you later Dave! He replied See ya Shaun.

I went to sleep and got woken by the phone, however it was 5 in the morning, probably the worst amount of pressure felt in my head and anxiousness. I heard my Mum sounding upset and went down and said what is wrong? She said David is not good. It was such a terrifying experience and me and my little brother and mum got picked up by my Dad who had to experience the worst night of his life. My brother had a cardiac arrest and was starting to fail.

We was in A and E waiting and waiting. My dad was telling me how they all neglected my brother all night , didn’t give him the time of day and to be honest I have always known that A and E is about as rushed as my local GP waiting room. It made me feel so angry. After months of my brother making recovery from septic shock and basically being brought back from the dead they told us he had brain damage and he could of lost his memory.

Was very distressing seeing what my brother looked like. Some days I couldn’t even see him it was too hard.

Today my brother has made a good recovery he can talk respond his memory is perfect. The only problem is his vision has been affected he is basically half blind. He has started to stand and everything and everything is looking up. It is good to see him and he is always positive which is a real inspiration.

Today for me however things have changed. One day I went to the gym and felt energy less. I did a workout and started feeling dizzy so I had to stop and go home. I felt too weak for a bout a week. Heavy arms. Feeling a bit depressed feeling like I have lost my mind. I have been housebound for 2 weeks till now and its not like me I am outgoing.

I am so anxious and one friday I felt so panicky and anxious my eyes started going funny. Not blurry I can read and everything perfectly but they feel really spaced out and it is so frustrating. Doctor said I mite have post viral fatigue. But my energy levels have improved over the last 2 weeks. My vision however has not got any better and i can’t stop thinking bout it. One night I got so nervous about my eyes they started getting worse and I went to A and E for blood test they said my bloods were fine they did tests on my eyes like follow the finger and all that.

She said well... you haven’t got a brain tumor. But every night I wake up thinking my eyes feel weird thinking I am having a stroke or something.It is very scary. I read this forum every day to give me peace of mind and it works. But I really want to know how long my vision will stay like this. It is very frustrating indeed.

I start college tomorrow since 2 weeks ago and just had half term. I just want that re-assurance that I will be okay to go college and get on with my studies. I want to prove my brother proud by working to my highest standards.

It would be great to hear some feedback on my last 2 years of hell lol (p.s will never go on anti-drugs!!!)

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i hate panicking
22-02-09, 15:54
Hi shauny

Have read your post and can't believe what you and your family have gone through and am glad you have the all clear and that your brother is ok.

Are you sure that you are'nt having panic attacks as i suffer from them and they make my eyes go funny and you feel sort of detached from the world and also quite weak.

I'm sure you will be fine for tomorrow

22-02-09, 15:58
I am pretty sure it is anxiety, and panic attacks but the vision prblem doesn't go away. I reckon if my vision was ok I would be living normally again just really anxious to know how long it will take to go away.

i hate panicking
22-02-09, 17:32
Hi Again :)

I know this sounds a bit silly but have you been to the opticians to see whether anything is wrong with your eyes(for an eye examination)?