View Full Version : So worrrried

22-02-09, 18:35
Hi I am a 19 yo male and since last sunday i have been having this feeling in my head like i dont belong where i am, I am so worried i have something wrong with me, like a sorta "out of place" feeling and thus i worry i have a brain tumour or something because i think i smell phantom smells sometimes, I really dont no whats wrong with me :( I just wanna cry so much, My head feels so weird like i am not in my own body, Its really hard to explain but i went to go see the doctor and he said that its a slight infection and that it would go in 48 hours (i saw him last thrusday) but its still here and i get pain in my forehead as well and my eyes hurt at times as well!

Anyone got any wisdom to share

thankss for reading!

22-02-09, 18:54
It sounds like depersonalisation/derealisation to me and is very common with anxiety and it will go in time I assure you.

22-02-09, 19:05
I hope it goes soon! I hate feeling light headed and all these feelings :(

22-02-09, 19:59
Hi, im sorry to hear youre feeling rough. You say you had an infection, was it a flu bug/cold type thing? sometimes these bugs (especially the ones going around at the moment) can really mess with your head and make you feel a bit wierd and spaced out. Feelings like that are common with anxiety sufferers in general too...ive had it on and off since i was young. Pain in the forehead, especially pressure pain kinda around the eyes is symptomatic of congestion and sinus problems which can come after a cold/flu bug and linger around for a while. hope you feel better soon x

22-02-09, 20:58
hey i dont think i have an infection though as i dont have a cough, sore throat or snezzing, i have a slight runny nose and thats it! im just so worried :(

23-02-09, 21:43
Hi... I was reading your post and i thought i'd try to help you as you do sound worried.. The fact that you wrote on these boards must mean you have a link to anxiety.. and the symptoms you describe sound so much like anxiety. Ive had strange head pressures and tired eyed for a while now. The thing is.. the more you worry about them the more you will start to feel them.. u dont say how old you are but i can assure you that from a chat with a neurologist after my similiar feelings that Brain Tumours are very rare in young people and that if you did have any serious neurological problems you would know about it from other symptoms presenting themselves. i know it is diffucult to tell yourself but you will be ok!... youre doctor would have reffered you elsewhere if he thought for a second you were a more serious case. i hope you start to feel better soonx x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

23-02-09, 22:26
Hi, can you believe it i used to have the exact same feeling when i was 7 years old, i am now 33!!!! I used to say to my mum "i don't feel like i am here" and she used to tell me not to be so silly!!!!! That helped.... not!!!! I have had this feeling a lot since then, a bit like you are watching your own body doing things but not feeling like it's you and it's always when my anxiety is high. Try to ignore it as best you can, it can't hurt you x x x

24-02-09, 11:11
yeaa and how was ur sleeping patterens i seem to want to sleep all the time and my legs and arms are becoming weak all the time so i dont want to do anything! Ahhh im still so worried :(