View Full Version : ready 1..2..3 ....PANIC!!!

22-02-09, 19:42
sorry im gonna moan abit

Well i had a mri scan today, not the greatest experience of my like but at least ive done it, but now im worrying my self sick regarding the results, i keep expecting the phone to ring to tell me ive got to go back to the hospital a.s.a.p as they have found something, im going to be sick everytime the mail comes through in case its from the hospital, im not sure i can cope with this sort of pressure on myself, im regreting hassling my doctor for the mri to be done. Ever since having the scan ive felt pretty awful too, i feel sick dizzy, my ears hurt, my legs are like jelly and i feel hot can anyone who has the scan relate to this?? or is it just me?

Thanks for your time...

22-02-09, 21:27
Hi NJay

I have never had the scan myself but just wanted to say WELL DONE for coping so well. I hope the results all come back fine, you know what us anxiety suffers are like we always fear the worst and the worst never happens!:yesyes:

Good luck


22-02-09, 22:28
thank you honeybee for taking the time to reply, yes i hope your right and im worrying over nothing, wouldn't they of let me leave the hospital today if something had of shown up? i know the person who did the scan wasnt a doctor but surely she would of known if something had been wrong on the scan? or maybe im just clutching at straws???

22-02-09, 22:45
Hi Njay

Im sure if anything was wrong they would have contacted you or told you straight away.

You know the old saying no new is always good news !


24-02-09, 22:17
Hi Njay
I had an MRI scan recently of the brain and the radiographer told me there was nothing wrong straight away which was good. My gp also said that they contact them in the event of an emergency straight away, so if you haven't heard after a day or so, stop worrying....it won't be anything serious.

25-02-09, 19:41

Thank you fairyloveheart, that does make me feel better, maybe i can allow myself to relax a little maybe, thank you for taking the time to reply.

23-03-09, 11:47
today i realised something... this isnt ever going to end,

3 days ago i got excellent news that my MRI scan is all clear, yes a brain was found and no, there was nothing wrong with it, Fantastic and a weight off my mind, still feel awful and horrid but at least i know my brains ok, happy days,

This morning i pick up my local paper and on the front page is a story about how a 27 year old has died suddenly from a heart defect, COMPLETE PANIC!! as much as i dont want to know anything regarding the story as i know it will make me worry i cant help myself, and yep same symptoms as mine - chest discomfort, ears poppin, etc, now im back to square one, a complete mess and know that i have a physical condition i feel like im about to drop and im convinced i will, this is never gonna end its always going to be something, im never gonna be free of this and im never feel like most people...