View Full Version : Temporal Arteritis

22-02-09, 19:51
I have damaged disc in my neck that gives me pain not only down arm but also up side of face around ear and into temple over eyebrow. I have had this for many years on and off. I also get a feeling like something with heavy boots on is walking around my temple and over eyebrow on that side as well. I know it is all to do with irritated nerves from my herniated disc and arthritis BUT for some reason today, because it is very painful and I haven't had it for quite a while I latched onto worrying its the above that can lead to blindness.( its inflammatory disease of arteries).

I did google:shrug: which did or should have helped because it says on all sites that it is unheard of in anyone under 50 yrs old and very very rare in anyone under 55yrs old and nearly all cases are found in the over 65yr old group. I am 47 yrs old! Also I don't have the visible veins in my temple or any tenderness to touch or pain in temple on chewing BUT its like I have to come up with something that is dangerous for my pain.

I also have alot of pain in my neck and down my arm as well so the logical part of my brain knows its just I have annoyed my damaged neck but the bonkers part of my brain:D is doing its usual stuff