View Full Version : meds 4 life??????

paula 86
22-02-09, 21:29
hi just wondrin sumit...........
i seem 2 have read alot of posts by ppl about bein on tabs and wen they try 2 cum of them the aniexty or panic attacks or watever there problems may b return within a few weeks-months of being of the meds, so alot just stay on them 4 years. after readin all these im startin 2 worry alot that im goin 2 b stuck on them 4ever and have lots of episodes of bad depresssion n anxiety..... because i was sooooooo against takin them 4 so long, i actually had a phobia of tablets 4 a wile, and because so many ppl say"o no u dont wana start them things, theyl make u worse".... and docs seem so reluctant 2 give them out it just makes me freak out abit that maybe they change who u r and ul b dependent on them 4 life, so im leapin in2 the future now and constantly worryin wats gona hapen 2 me wen i wana try n get of them.
my anxiety also makes me think that they will make me develop a serious mental illness(im obsessed with gettin sczhophrinia). PLZ PPL DONT RITE ANY SYMPTOMS OR ANYTHIN OF IT HERE CUZ IL TELL MYSELF IV GAT THEM!!!!!!
it wud b good 2 here frm ppl who feel the same or have had good experiences cumin of tabs.
ps. im on citalopram 20mg.
xx paula xx

23-02-09, 10:51
Although i cant speak from experience on this matter as i have only just began taking citalopram for the first time 6 weeks ago, i believe for sure that there will definately be people who take these tablets for a limited time and come off them to lead happy and normal lives.

I think on this forum, you see a fair few cases of people coming back on here saying they are taking medication again - but thats the reason they're posting because they are at a stage where they need the help of others like ourselves going through similar things. In general people who recover with the help of medication will be so busy getting on with there happier lives that they won't even have the time, or think of coming back here to post.

I personally think that the key to recovering is not just relying on the medication to make things all better. I think proactive positive changes in both body and mind will help with the chances of not having a relapse into depression and anxiety.

So if you can, be positive that these tablets will help you feel better in the near future but that also you will feel good one day without taking them - otherwise you will build up an inner dependancy for them and then feel like you cant cope without them when you do start to reduce your dose.