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View Full Version : How many tests?!

22-02-09, 23:14
Hello everyone, I'll try to keep this brief...because my full story is in the "general anxiety" section. However, ever since my panic attacks started (Novemeber 5 with relation to marijuana), my pattern has been as follows: EKG in ambulance on Nov.5 (results fine), EKG/Heart-Rate/Oxygen Monitor a week later (results fine), Chest X-Ray/Blood Tests (multiple)/Urine Test/EKG (all fine), then stupidly I smoked again. The next few days I had an EKG in my PMC's office. Then, I got a stress test (with the EKG/blood pressure at the same time) done at the cardiology lab. Both were fine, though every test my heart rate has been rapid too say the least, then calmed down over much time.

Then, after the last test I have smoked for the last time, thinking I could handle it. Obviously I couldn't so last Saturday I went to the ER to get an EKG, got hooked up to the heart-rate/oxygen level/blood pressure monitor and had a blood test done testing magnesium levels. All were fine after awhile.

Since that week though I had developed a breathing issue. Something get's almost "lodged" in my lower throat and it takes a few breathes to force a deeper one in. It's pretty terrifying, like my throat is closing up. So I called the MD on call last night and she talked to me for an hour (very nice) went over everything with me, and said it wasn't a physical threat. Regardless, I felt I wouldn't be "reassured" until I got answers in person. So I went up to the ER and this time it got worse. I always get nervous there but my heart was racing, I felt like I was going to black out, it was doing that horrible fluttering (palpitation?) feeling and I was getting uncomfortably warm/tingly.

I got in there, and the nurse really freaked me out. Usually I get the same answers in the ER. But, she hooked me up the monitor and said that 150bpm was not normal, I said: "even for a panic attack? and palpitations?" and she said "not that fast, and no". So that of course made it worse. I was sitting there fretting, being like "oh my word, this time I'm dying or something is terribly wrong". She came in and did an EKG, then after she gave me 2MG of Ativan.

After that made me loopy, calmed me down, she did another EKG and did a blood test (for multiple things). They also did an IV and pumped me with some fluid to replenish the blood. The name escapes me. The doctor then came in and said both EKG's were fine...but "tachycardic, though it may be anxiety...and the blood tests were fine" as was my blood pressure (eventually).

I left and went home to a deep sleep, the Ativan definitely zoned me out. But I'm still freaked out. The doctor at he ER last week was so re-assuring, and pretty much every other visit, or doctor or whoever I've seen (probably 7 total) has been as well, minus this nurse/doctor. It's sort of scaring me. And when I got up today my heart was beating a faster than usual. I keep thinking I have some undiagnosed underlying condition that is getting worse!

I have an appointment with my primary care physician tomorrow and I'm almost ready to be like, "please, just do another stress, ekg, echo, enzyme, x-ray, blood tests, ct scan, any lung tests, etc." Gahhhh.

I also have Zoloft (sertraline) and Clonazaepam (.5 mg) at my disposal. I'm supposed to be taking half of a 25mg tablet (12.5 mg) for two weeks, then moving up to 25mg of it starting soon.

I don't know what is going on/what to do. This last visit really through me off!