View Full Version : Hair loss... :(

23-02-09, 08:34
Hello everyone:yesyes:

I would like to know if any of you have been having hair loss problems since anxiety.
I've been losing lots and lots of hair lately and I'm sure is anxiety. My hair's becoming thinner and thinner... I want my hair back!:lac:

Is this happening to any of you?
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

23-02-09, 14:36
have you had your thyroid checked?

07-03-09, 19:21
have you had your thyroid checked?

Hi! I'm sorry I'm answering you only now.:hugs:
I haven't had my thryroid checked, why, do you think it could be because of my thyroid?

07-03-09, 19:25
Pure stress IMO .Happened to a few people i know.As it happens ,my niece is having this at the minute.It will grow back.

07-03-09, 20:25
Pure stress IMO .Happened to a few people i know.As it happens ,my niece is having this at the minute.It will grow back.

Thanx Mick! I really hope so!:winks: I love my hair!!!!:blush:

08-03-09, 10:59
I actually lost a lot of my fringe a couple of years ago, had a big bald patch in the front and had to wear a black headband everywhere to cover it. I bought a hair loss shampoo from Boot Chemist and eventually it all grew back:)

08-03-09, 14:09
Yes, this can happen. A lot of the time it happens 3-9 months after a stressfull incident.... or a massive amount of panic. It will grow back.... Mine turned grey with stress. Look up alopecia x