View Full Version : Heavy chest feeling

23-02-09, 11:34

One of the most annoying symptoms of my recent anxiety problems is a heavy, tight feeling in the centre of my chest. I've been checked out many a time and there's nothing wrong, but its very annoying and it often takes all my willpower to focus away from it. It varies in severity and tends to get worse the more panicky/anxious I feel at the time. I just wonder if anyone else has experienced this, what is the reason for it, and is there anything I can do to suppress it and stop it happening?

23-02-09, 19:40
Hi there
I too am suffering from this symptom which is completely new to me. I also get pain in my upper back. I have read that these symptoms are due to how tense we are, probably without realising it. The first time it happened to me was in a supermarket and i thought i was gonna have a heart attack. I have learn't to try and keep a clam attitude which does help and always try and think of something else. But sometimes this is easier said than done. I am waiting for my new dosage of meds to kick in. Good luck to you.

23-02-09, 20:45
could be heart palpitations, they make my chest heavy and tight

23-02-09, 23:39
Seeing those two posts there and reading other stuff around this site reassures me that its a very common symptom of anxiety, but still I can't shake the feeling that something is very wrong. Even though there is nothing wrong with my heart or breathing, still I cannot seem to stop worrying about it. I know rationally and logically that there is nothing wrong but my brain won't agree with me. I feel like I'm constantly fighting a battle with myself if that makes sense. I don't know what to do, I've got some antidepressants I was prescribed but really don't want to go down that road. Might ask the doctor about some form of therapy. Really helps to read others going through the same though!

24-02-09, 23:24
Hi inso. I had exacty the same problem as u.... I have had the palps and the sudden dart pain and the following panic for nearly two years now...I gave in and I'm now on meds, inreslly didn't want to but I'd do anything to stop it. I'm 25 and it's taking over my life!! The meds have stopped the palps but the heart pain and feeling of pure dread and panic is actually worse I think as I feel "artificial" ...if that makes any sense!! But aparently it takes a month ir so to work...I'm also starting cbt therapy tomorrow so I'd recomend sayingto your doc about it....keep plugging away and do whatever it takes to reassure yourself...we r always here in this website and it gives me so much strength to know there are people in the pain we r in....but we can beat it!!!!
