View Full Version : greetings!

23-02-09, 15:11

i've recently started having panic attacks are being someone who constantly worries about everything since i was little.....im actually trying to calm myself down out of one as i type here at work :unsure: not quite sure whats brought them on but i've been under a lot of stress over the past year or so with various things (new role at work, studying in the evenings) which culminated in a bad case of flu and chest infection where i couldnt breathe properly - none of which helped i guess!

im also reading the claire weekes book for self help - although im finding it hard to apply the 'floating method' (and as an added bonus my dad had a heart attack in his early 50's so im convinced im going have one each time....although since reading the book this has helped to try and reason that its not what is happening to me)

it would be nice to speak to people who understand how it feels as it can be scary and frustrating especially when im told to just get a grip at home!


23-02-09, 16:52
Hi Snowbunny, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

23-02-09, 17:14
thanks very much patty! :D


Vanilla Sky
23-02-09, 18:25
Hi snowbunny, glad you found us, i to have just started reading claire weeks and also a family member of mine had a heart attack last year, so like you i think its hereditory and im going to get one to. I am however at the moment feeling a lot better and a lot calmer. Its totally on going and hard work isnt it. You will find support and understanding here and you dont feel so alone, maybe see you in chat and good luck with the floating, thats where im at myself! Love Paige x

23-02-09, 18:38
Hi Snowbunny

Welcome to the site I think you will get some good advice and support on here. Claire Weeks books are a very good choice of reading and helped me a great deal, the floating and accepting part take alot of practise but keep trying it does get easier.

Take care


23-02-09, 20:47
thank you tetley, carol and paige - its nice to know im not alone! hope to see you all in the chat room!


23-02-09, 22:53
Hi Snowbunny and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

24-02-09, 10:01
thank you! :D

25-02-09, 09:31
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx